· 6 min read
If you sometimes feel you are nowhere and other times you feel you are everywhere, you might just be on the cusp of two great generations. Cuspers are people born around the end of one generation and the beginning of another and thus possess a mix of characteristics. Xennials are an example of this. What exactly […]
· 4 min read
In a world where many of today’s young people’s dream job is to be an Instagram influencer, it seems like long gone are the days when kids actually had to work for things. The value of money seems to be lost on much of the younger generations. One woman has something else to say, though. […]
· 2 min read
Gordon Ramsay is a name in the culinary industry that most people are aware of, with his passionate outbursts perhaps being his most iconic trait. However, one can hardly deny Ramsay’s talent and experience as a chef. Furthermore, one of his career highlights involves checking out failing restaurants and figuring out what is going wrong […]
· 4 min read
Maria’s married life with Julian had always been less than ideal. Though they had their ups and downs, she struggled to let go of him, even when she discovered that he was having an affair with another woman. It was the beginning of a painful journey that would change her life forever. The Suspicious Late […]
· 4 min read
Corn is a staple in many American diets, enjoyed in various forms such as corn on the cob, popcorn, and corn syrup. While it offers nutritional benefits, it’s important to be aware of the potential side effects associated with its consumption. Here are 12 side effects of eating corn that Americans should be mindful of. […]
· 5 min read
Older generations used to warn that people shouldn’t get tattoos because they’re permanent and someone may one day regret getting them. However, these days tattoo removal is an option. Although painful, it works after a few sessions but can leave behind some scarring. Either way, 35-year-old Leandro De Souza has decided to undergo laser treatments […]
· 5 min read
Most people have this notion that a best friend must be someone you’ve known since the day you were born, or at least, someone you’ve spent most of your life with. You braved through kindergarten together, had each other’s backs through middle school, enjoyed high school together, and lived college life as a pair. Essentially, […]
· 4 min read
It’s common for people to have what’s known as Morton’s toe. It’s a simple condition where the second toe is longer than the big toe. The feet can be completely healthy, just with an odd feature. However, many people have issues with the unique structure. A Morton’s toe can cause calluses on the sole of […]
· 4 min read
Have you ever noticed little white bumps that almost look like teeny, tiny pimples on a newborn baby’s skin? Or perhaps even yourself, as an adult, have them from time to time. No, those little white “pimples” are not acne – they’re milia. This is everything you need to know. What Are Milia? Milia are […]
· 4 min read
‘Kids were tougher then for a reason.’ Growing up is hard for everyone. Teenage hormones rage. Children are dealing with the frustration of having very little autonomy. Worst of all (for many, otherwise public speaking wouldn’t be such a common fear) children are learning to navigate social skills. Adults feel that kids today have it […]
· 9 min read
Like most people, I spent my entire life sleeping on cotton pillowcases. They came with my sheets, and I never thought there could be a better option—until silk pillowcases became the talk of the internet. Suddenly, everyone was raving about their incredible experiences with silk, claiming life-changing results for their hair and skin. It took […]
· 5 min read
With the summer season coming up you’ll no doubt want to spend more time outside, soaking up the sun. But it can be difficult to fully enjoy your time outdoors if you’re constantly worrying about your eczema outbreak. Dyshidrotic eczema, in particular, is prevalent in the spring, and if you’re experiencing small, itchy blisters on […]