
 · 7 min read

10 Stretches to Relax Your Spine After a Hard Day

Back problems are one of the most common pains that people experience around the world. Especially with our increasingly sedentary lifestyles, our bodies become stiff, tight, and gradually over time, immobile. These are ten of the best back & spine stretches to help relieve lower back tightness and improve your overall mobility. Signs Your Lower […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

17 Clothing Items That Can Make You Appear Larger Than You Are (Ranked In Order)

The right clothing, in addition to diet and exercise, can greatly impact someone’s appearance, particularly regarding their perceived weight. Each season often brings fashion trends that can make one’s figure look shorter, wider, and generally unflattering. Here are the styling errors to avoid to ensure the camera doesn’t add those dreaded ten pounds the next […]

Chantel Brink

Chantel Brink

Freelance Writer

 · 5 min read

‘I Refuse to Sacrifice My Happiness to Save My Grandson’

Betty is a 72-year-old widow, mother, and grandmother who’s recently, reached out to the internet for advice. She explains that she’s been saving to take a cruise with her sister but her grandson has gotten ill and will need hospital treatments. As a result, her son asked for her savings, and when she refused things […]

Leah Berenson

Leah Berenson

Freelance Writer

 · 5 min read

30 Ways People Make ‘Easy Money’ By Doing Almost Nothing

In the digital age, the allure of making easy money with minimal effort is ever-present. Whether it’s through leveraging technology or tapping into unconventional methods, people are constantly seeking avenues for passive income. From the comfort of your own home to ventures requiring little upkeep, here are 30 strategies that allow individuals to earn ‘easy […]

Chantel Brink

Chantel Brink

Freelance Writer

 · 6 min read

It Hasn’t Gone Anywhere: 9 Myths About Spam We All Believed

Most people love SPAM and it’s a popular meal item in numerous parts of the world. Meanwhile, others cringe at the idea of eating the product. Either way, most people have heard of it and surprisingly hold a number of misconceptions about it. Here are 9 popular myths regarding the canned meat. 1. SPAM isn’t […]

Leah Berenson

Leah Berenson

Freelance Writer

 · 6 min read

12 Signs You Are Not A Good Wife

Although no one is perfect, most people strive to be good partners, friends, children, and so on. However, many people behave, operating on autopilot, and may do things without even realizing they’re doing them. Or how it comes across to others. Here are some examples of behaviors that aren’t ideal in a partner. If you […]

Leah Berenson

Leah Berenson

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

35-year-old Man ‘Who Looks Like a Teenager’ Reveals Secrets to Staying Young

For centuries, people have searched for the secret to looking younger and living longer. While it’s impossible to achieve eternal life, Brandon Miles May from Detroit, Michigan, has figured out how to achieve a youthful glow well into adulthood. However, he notes that eternal life isn’t his driving force. Rather, it’s maintaining his overall health. Man […]

Leah Berenson

Leah Berenson

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

This Cancer Symptom Can Be Spotted First Thing In The Morning

Cancer is the #1 leading cause of death worldwide, causing almost 10 million deaths in 2020 [1]. It’s also the second leading cause of death in the United States, just behind heart disease [2]. Because of its commonality, almost everyone has some connection to the disease. Those who never experienced it firsthand most likely know […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Freelance Writer

 · 3 min read

What Does It Mean When You See “SSSS” on Your Boarding Pass?

You’re standing in the middle of a bustling airport terminal, filled with a mix of anticipation and nerves for your upcoming journey. The airport wait times seem manageable, but a wave of anxiety washes over you as you hand your boarding pass to the TSA agent. Four ominous letters, “SSSS,” glare back at you. What […]

Mayukh Saha

Mayukh Saha

Freelance Writer

 · 6 min read

34 Secret Car-Buying Tips Your Dealer Won’t Tell You

Navigating the car buying process can be daunting, especially with dealers employing various tactics to maximize their profits. To empower you with knowledge and help you secure the best deal, we’ve compiled 34 insider car-buying tips that dealers usually keep under wraps. From decoding their sales strategies to understanding hidden fees and negotiation tactics, this […]

Mayukh Saha

Mayukh Saha

Freelance Writer

 · 6 min read

20 of The Best ‘Mom Hacks’ You’ll Ever See

Being a mom is no easy feat, juggling countless responsibilities and constantly seeking innovative solutions to everyday challenges. These super-moms have not only embraced the chaos of motherhood but have also become masters of ingenuity, devising clever mom hacks that make life a little easier, a lot funnier, and infinitely more manageable. From tackling household […]

Mayukh Saha

Mayukh Saha

Freelance Writer