TVs are a mainstay in many households. They tend to dominate living rooms, reigning over the sitting area. Although this is an ideal set up for movie night, they are an eyesore the rest of the time. You may be trying for a cozy and sophisticated space but that large black rectangle is clashing with...
Sarah Biren
Food Journalist
Sarah is a baker, cook, author, and blogger living in Toronto. She believes that food is the best method of healing and a classic way of bringing people together. In her spare time, Sarah does yoga, reads cookbooks, writes stories, and finds ways to make any type of food in her blender.
Children are uniquely affected when they are brought up by narcissists. Now, narcissism exists on a spectrum from minor tendencies to narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). It’s typically categorised by a sense of superiority and prioritization of your own desires over others. This can be followed by grandiosity, a lack of empathy, entitlement, intolerance to criticisms,...
A woman called 911 and pretends to order a pizza to report her abuser. Even two years later, her code inspires others who cannot call emergency or support services directly. The dispatcher Tim Teneyck was confused by her pizza order at first, but he understood the emotion and fear in her voice. “You see it...
Let’s face it: Many people don’t know much about washing machines. To be fair, it’s not something people buy frequently, and it’s definitely not a particularly enjoyable purchase. Overall, laundry is a task that people like to get over with, but it’s also crucial when it comes to hygiene and looking clean. There are many...
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s relationship has fallen under scrutiny ever since they got together. So when the couple split up to attend different events, people began to speculate about their separation. After seeing them as a couple since 2016, it’s a little strange to see one without the other. But at the Dealbook Summit...
It’s universally known that it’s harder to make friends as you get older. However, what’s less acknowledged is the difficulty of maintaining these friendships. As much as you might cherish them, you’ll see and speak to your friends less often. Life will get in the way. Suddenly, years have gone by without contact. There was...
From Drew Barrymore to Ron Howard, many Hollywood stars today are still remembered for their breakout roles as child actors. For example, people may have first seen Drew Barrymore in 1982’s E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. Of course, there’s Daniel Radcliffe and the rest of the stars from the Harry Potter film franchise. That’s not even mentioning...
Michael Jackson and Princess Diana are like the most unlikely of friends but they actually had a lot in common. For one, they were both considered royalty, being the King of Pop and the People’s Princess. They also had extremely public lives that were constantly scrutinized by the media. After meeting at Jackson’s concert in...
Cleaning the bathroom is not a fun chore. In fact, it’s universally disliked. But it’s also one of the important tasks when it comes to keeping the home clean and free of disease and vermin. After all, it’s no secret that pests flock to dirt and mold, and your bathroom may be infested with mold...
They say that beauty is subjective but you wouldn’t think so looking at famous supermodels. They all tend to share the same features, slim figures, flawless skin, high cheekbones, tall stature, long legs, and so on. Although there is growing diversity in terms of race representation, these models tend to represent the same strict beauty...
Red flags and green flags are big topics when it comes to dating. Red flags historically warn of incoming danger. Meanwhile, green flags refer to positive signals. A date who yells at the waitstaff? Red flag. A date who shows empathy to strangers? Green flag. But some red flags are not obvious. Sometimes they can...
Some people are best friends with their siblings, but others can’t get along at all. Sibling rivalries exist childhood but they can continue far into adulthood. These relationships are complicated because on one hand, you have a shared history that no one will ever understand, and on the other, that history involves a lot of...