
 · 4 min read

The Can Opener Key: An Old School Way to Open Your Favorite Tinned Food

People may take can openers for granted, but these nifty tools have an interesting history. They have evolved into many forms over time. But the strangest detail is that they weren’t invented until decades after the invention of canned food. One of the early iterations was the can opener key. It was much smaller than […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

Drapery Hooks: Home Decor’s Best-Kept Secret

Like fashion and food, interior design ideas come in trends. However, some looks remain timeless, such as a neutral color scheme and natural materials like wood and stone. But some vintage styles became less common, not because they look bad, but because there are easier and less time-consuming alternatives available. So when it comes to […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Freelance Writer

 · 3 min read

‘Boy moms’ called out for dubious logic behind teaching their sons to cook

In the ever-evolving social media trends, the emergence of the “Boy Moms” movement on TikTok has been both heartwarming and transformative. Challenging traditional gender roles and societal norms, this trend empowers mothers to teach their sons essential life skills such as cooking and cleaning. They do not want their sons to expect this from their […]

Jade Small

Jade Small

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

5 Ways to Use Herbs to Freshen The Air in Your Home

The air we breathe has a significant impact on our health and overall well-being. While air purifiers and scented candles are popular options for freshening up the air in our homes, there’s a natural and delightful alternative: herbs. Not only do herbs add a pleasant aroma to your living space, but many also possess air-purifying […]

Chantel Brink

Chantel Brink

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

Does Anyone Still Air Dry Their Laundry?

Numerous traditional customs have been left behind in a world of advanced technology and convenience. Among them is the practice of air drying laundry, where damp garments are hung outdoors or indoors to dry naturally. The rise of electric dryers has understandably led to a decline in the popularity of this age-old tradition. Long gone […]

Chantel Brink

Chantel Brink

Freelance Writer

 · 9 min read

30 things Europeans do that leave Americans raising their eyebrows

Many aspects vary from Europeans to Americans to South Americans… Not to mention between continents, often leaving individuals perplexed about the lifestyles of those in distant lands. Whether it’s the peculiarities of faucets, window designs, or shopping customs, certain things may seem utterly bewildering to those unaccustomed to them. Recently, Redditors engaged in a lively […]

Chantel Brink

Chantel Brink

Freelance Writer