Would you ever put your child on a leash? For parents with relatively obedient children who prefer to stick by their parents’ side, likely not. For parents of a strong-willed “wild” child, however, it may be something you want to consider. This dad spoke out on Facebook about why he uses a leash for his...

Julie Hambleton
Freelance Writer
Julie Hambleton has a BSc in Food and Nutrition from the Western University, Canada, is a former certified personal trainer and a competitive runner. Julie loves food, culture, and health, and enjoys sharing her knowledge to help others make positive changes and live healthier lives.
Since the beginning of time, couples have been trying to figure out how to influence the sex of their babies. A quick google search and you’ll find plenty of weird superstitions that people used to try to have either a boy or a girl. Still, the question has remained for generations: Why do some women...
Have you ever noticed little white bumps that almost look like teeny, tiny pimples on a newborn baby’s skin? Or perhaps even yourself, as an adult, have them from time to time. No, those little white “pimples” are not acne – they’re milia. This is everything you need to know. What Are Milia? Milia are...
With the summer season coming up you’ll no doubt want to spend more time outside, soaking up the sun. But it can be difficult to fully enjoy your time outdoors if you’re constantly worrying about your eczema outbreak. Dyshidrotic eczema, in particular, is prevalent in the spring, and if you’re experiencing small, itchy blisters on...
Jessica Fein is the proud mother of two sons and one daughter. Her adventure in parenthood, however, looks quite different than most. This is because her daughter Dalia has a rare, degenerative disease called myoclonic epilepsy with ragged red fibers, also known as MERRF. Dalia’s Diagnosis When Jessica gave birth to her only daughter Dalia,...
Do you use fabric softener to get your towels, sheets, and other laundry items soft and cozy? Well, according to this laundry expert, you shouldn’t! Beyond additional chemicals (not to mention plastic bottle waste), they can also cause mildew build-up in your washing machine. Here’s what experts say you should do instead to have fresh,...
For the last decade or so, eggs have been on a bit of a nutritional rollercoaster ride. One day they are good for you, the next they’re saying they are contributing to heart disease, and the next they’re back to being “the perfect protein”. The question remains: Are eggs good for you or not? We’re...
If you have anxiety, chronic pain, osteoarthritis, or trouble falling asleep at night, then there is some research to indicate that weighted blankets could help you. This is the current research on what you need to know about weighted blankets. The Potential Benefits of Weighted Blankets Weighted blankets are special blankets that weigh between five...
Have you ever been in a room full of people but felt that no one was paying attention to anyone? Or have you been to an event where people seemed more concerned about making it look like they were having fun on social media instead of actually having fun in real life? Technology is rapidly...
Lisa Wright had a happy childhood with kind, caring parents. The only slight difference? They were her adoptive parents. Finally, after five decades, she and her birth mom met for the first time. What’s more, she found out that she grew up watching her mom on TV. (1) Daughter And Her Birth Mom Finally Reunited...
Do you know what to do if someone is trying to break into your home or hotel room? Because this teenager does. Jose Bowers recently shared her scary encounter with a hotel invader when she was just 15. Thanks to a tip from her Police Officer Stepdad, she was safe. How This Teenager Saved Herself...
Imagine carrying your children for nine months, then giving birth to them, only to be told that biologically they aren’t yours. This is exactly what happened to Lydia Fairchild, and she almost lost custody of all three of her children because of it. The reason why is as surprising as the case itself. The Courts...