The single most special thing we can create in this world is new life. But, what happens when the body you’ve been given doesn’t allow you to have a child of your own? Some people accept their reality, some choose adoption, and others look to other alternatives such as in vitro fertilization (IVF). This process...
Julie Hambleton
Freelance Writer
Julie Hambleton has a BSc in Food and Nutrition from the Western University, Canada, is a former certified personal trainer and a competitive runner. Julie loves food, culture, and health, and enjoys sharing her knowledge to help others make positive changes and live healthier lives.
History was made in October when a woman gave birth to twin babies created from the longest-frozen embryos in the world. The twins’ embryos were actually conceived in 1992. 30 years later, these embryos finally became living, breathing babies. This is their story. Twin Babies Born From The Longest Frozen Embryos In History There are...
Going through a miscarriage or stillbirth is traumatizing for parents. Who often aren’t thought about in this situation are the deceased baby’s older siblings. The loss of what would’ve been a sibling can be very hard on them, especially when they are too young to understand it properly. For this little boy, who was just...
If you have grandparents still alive and well, you are lucky. You’re even luckier if you have great grandparents. Six generations alive in one family? Now that’s almost unheard of! According to the Edinburgh Evening News, this Scottish woman recently became a great, great, great grandmother, making her the only woman in Scotland to hold...
How much do you know about women’s health? Even if you are a woman, chances are not that much. That’s why this certified nurse and midwife is educating people on TikTok about all things related to the female body and women’s health. In her latest viral video, she is teaching people how big a cervix...
Celebrity marriages often face public scrutiny and many end in failure. However, amidst the endless stream of dramatic breakups, one couple has stood the test of time. In 2024, Michael J. Fox and his wife, Tracy Pollan, will celebrate 36 years of marriage. They’ve decided to share their secrets to a lasting relationship. Michael J. Fox...
The intricate tapestry of human personality is filled with an incredible variety of unique characteristics. That is just a fancy way of saying that humans are complex and entirely unique. While we do tend to be social creatures, there is a fascinating group of people who prefer solitude, setting them a bit apart from the...
Squatting is a fundamental exercise in any gym-goer’s routine, but the dangers of barbell squatting without safety bars cannot be understated. Henrietta Paxton, a mother and PE teacher from Salisbury, found this out in the most devastating way possible. This is a mother’s warning about the perils of performing squats without safety bars. Who is...
Are you lucky in love or have struggled to find a stable, healthy relationship? Well, perhaps this might be part of the reason. Researchers found that women are more likely to be happier in relationships with men who are less attractive than they are. This is what the study found. Women Are More Likely To...
Lisa Hough and her husband were experiencing what they thought would be the worst day of their lives. The doctors were informing them that there was nothing more they could do for their infant son. When the parents were ready, they would remove him from life support. From there, baby Karson would have mere minutes...
A Christian school in Australia came under fire recently for what they were teaching in their Christian studies class. While they taught the girls the importance of maintaining their virginity until marriage, boys were asked to use a point system to determine what they are looking for in a girl. The items in each point...
Grandparents can be a huge asset to the lives of their grandkids. However, some issues may arise when some grandparents rely on outdated parenting beliefs to raise these children. While some of these practices are harmless, some of them could be potentially very dangerous to the health and well-being of the youngsters. Grandparent’s Outdated Parenting...