Anti social concept. Woman at a social gathering by herself with arms crossed. People can be seen socializing in background.
Sean Cate
Sean Cate
March 28, 2024 ·  3 min read

Social Anhedonia May Be Causing You To Be Less Satisfied With Your Marriage

Marriage is a partnership based on love, companionship, and shared experiences. However, not all marriages see the same level of satisfaction and fulfillment. Recent research has shed light on an intriguing factor influencing marital satisfaction: social anhedonia. This refers to a disinterest in interactions and poor relationship functioning and includes a reduced need for social connection and a lack of pleasure derived from social interactions.1 Individuals with social anhedonia are less sensitive to socially rewarding situations and are more likely to experience difficulties in their relationships. Understanding the impact of this disinterest on marital satisfaction is crucial for promoting healthier and more fulfilling marriages.

Newlywed coupe sitting on a sofa angry at each other in a middle of an argument. Young couple problem concept outdoor.
Credit: Shutterstock

A year-long study published in the Journal of Personality sought to explore the effects of social anhedonia on marital satisfaction among newlywed couples.2 Led by Kenneth Tan and his colleagues, the study aimed to examine the specific mechanisms underlying the strain it has on romantic relationships, behaviors, and satisfaction.3 The study sample consisted of 100 different-sex couples married for up to 12 months before the start of the study. Participants completed assessments using the Revised Social Anhedonia Scale, communication patterns using the Communication Patterns Questionnaire, and marital satisfaction using the Dyadic Adjustment Scale. Data was collected at the beginning of the study, 6 months later (2nd wave), and 12 months later (3rd wave).

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The Influence of Social Anhedonia on Marital Satisfaction

Man comforting his sad mourning friend embracing her in a park
Credit: Shutterstock

The results of the study indicated that couples overall reported relatively high levels of relationship satisfaction. However, individuals with more pronounced social anhedonia reported lower levels of marital satisfaction. Intriguingly, the spouses of these individuals also reported lower levels of marital satisfaction, suggesting a reciprocal impact within the relationship. These findings highlight the importance of considering both partners’ experiences. Furthermore, the study shows that this disinterest pairs with specific communication patterns within the marital relationship. Individuals with higher levels exhibited lesser constructive communication abilities and higher levels of demand/withdrawal and avoidance/withholding communication. These communication patterns, characterized by less effective and more negative interactions, mediated the link between marital satisfaction, but only for the individual exhibiting social anhedonia. This suggests that the communication styles of individuals play a role in the overall satisfaction of the marriage.

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Implications and Limitations of the Study

Girl Writing Letter Home Concept
Credit: Shutterstock

The findings of this study have significant implications for understanding the role of social anhedonia in intimate relationships. They highlight the negative impact it has on both partners’ marital satisfaction and emphasize the importance of communication patterns in mediating this relationship. By recognizing the influence on communication and satisfaction, interventions can promote healthier communication styles and enhance marital satisfaction for couples working through social anhedonia. However, it is important to acknowledge the limitations of this study. The sample primarily consisted of relatively healthy newlywed couples with high levels of relationship satisfaction and low levels of social anhedonia. Therefore, the generalizability of the findings to individuals with higher levels or different characteristics may need more research. Future research should consider more diverse samples to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the impact of this on marital satisfaction.


Close up photo of cheerful excited glad careless happy with toothy beaming smile brunette attractive woman and with stylish hairdo man, she is hugging him from the back
Credit: Shutterstock

In conclusion, social anhedonia can significantly impact marital satisfaction. The study’s findings highlight the importance of addressing this disinterest in intimate relationships and understanding the mediating role of communication patterns. By identifying and addressing the communication styles, interventions can enhance marital satisfaction and promote healthier and more fulfilling marriages. Further research will help explore the long-term effects of social anhedonia on relationships and to develop targeted interventions that cater to the specific needs of couples affected by social anhedonia.

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  1. People are less satisfied with their marriage when their partner is not interested in social interactions, study finds.” Psy Post. Vladimir Hedrih. March 20, 2023
  2. People Are Less Satisfied With Their Marriage If Their Partner Has Social Anhedonia.” IFL Science. Laura Simmons. March 22, 2023.
  3. Social anhedonia, communication, and marital satisfaction in newlywed couples.” Online Library. Kenneth Tan, Amber M. Jarnecke and  Susan C. South. December 7, 2022.