Jade Small

Jade Small

February 24, 2024

Bride kicks out cancer survivor from bridal party because she didn’t want “someone with a bald head” in the pictures

We are all familiar with the legend of a ‘bridezilla.’ You have most likely encountered one somewhere along the line, or still will. There is no point in trying to convince a bridezilla of anything that she has not thought of herself. So, we avoid her wrath by fulfilling each of her demands.  When is it time to draw the line with our honorary bridezillas?

Weddings are wondrous occasions, full of laughter and excitement for the life the happy couple is about to embark on. In today’s age. It is not uncommon for a wedding to be based around the future wedding album that you can show off to anyone who is willing. This is where our story today begins. With the vanity of a bridezilla who cared only for how her pictures looked in the end. 

Cancer strikes

Our story today starts off on a happy note according to the Reddit thread it was posted. It is the day of a glorious wedding, and we find ourselves in the bride’s room with a gaggle of bridesmaids and their “queen” bride. The bride, sips on champagne while they get their hair and makeup done. The main characters of our story is the bride, and one of her closest friends, a cancer survivor. 

In a post made on Reddit, the cancer survivor wrote,

I am very good friends with the bride, let’s call her Karen for simplicity. She got engaged about 1.5 years ago and immediately asked me to be a bridesmaid which I was thrilled about (she was my maid of honor for context). To make a long story short I got some real bad news in the past year and had to undergo radiation and chemotherapy.”

Man in Black Long-sleeved Shirt and Woman in Black Dress

This type of treatment can be highly traumatic to the body, and most people suffer the symptom of hair loss. Our honorary cancer survivor lives to tell the tale, but her hair did not. You might think that most best friends would have your back if you were in this situation. But, on this occasion, Karen (the bride) was not there for her friend. In her post, our cancer survivor explained.

Read: Bride slammed for asking sister’s disabled husband to stay out of wedding photos

The Reddit post

“About 2 weeks ago Karen called me and told me she was going to take me out to celebrate my remission and end of treatment and had a special surprise for me. I agree and we meet up.”

Why would she assume that Karen had any judgment toward her trauma of hair loss? She had, in fact, been there to help our survivor maintain a healthy and active lifestyle, regardless of the chemo. The thread continues…

We go to a spa which was super nice and enjoy some skin treatments, massages, and general pampering. At the end of the day she takes me to a special hair salon which specializes in high quality wigs. I am a little taken aback by this because Karen knows that a lot of the work I have been involves psychological treatment in cancer patients and avoiding the shame associated with hair loss for instance. I politely go through the appointment and even try on some wigs although I was quite upset honestly.”

Apparently, Karen tried to offer to buy her a wig. Our cancer survivor was very disappointed in her friend, she knew about the psychological damage that hair loss causes, and that she had undergone some counseling sessions so she could avoid that self-loathing of having a bald head. She was bigger than a wig, so she refused Karen’s offer. 

Unhappy patient with headache and closed eyes

The let down

It did not take very long, but by the end of the day, Karen had called her up and told her that there were too many people attending the bridal party. She told the Reddit poster that she could not come anymore. This left our cancer survivor absolutely gutted. So she added to her post,

“I was so upset, I tried to call her but she did not respond. I am thinking I am (sic) may not go to the wedding but want to make sure I am not overthinking this. Her wedding is in 2 weeks”

She called around to all of the other bridesmaids, who awkwardly tried to avoid the topic until she had gathered enough hints to understand that Karen was worried about what her bald head would look like in the wedding pictures.

You can only imagine the impact this must have had in their friendship, and Karen, the ultimate bridezilla, was definitely not acting with the most compassion. Other people commented that she should be grateful that her friend had survived the ordeal, and was able to attend, rather than abandoning her. What are your thoughts? Was she too harsh and superficial or did she have the right to choose what would happen on her Wedding day?

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Attention: While many of these stories are interesting, and we would love to take their word for it, the content in this article was taken from an unverifiable source (i.e., a Reddit forum). As such, we cannot guarantee that these events truly happened in the way that they are described in the original source.