Jade Small

Jade Small

May 6, 2022

2-year-old steals the show at mom’s wedding after running down the aisle to greet her

Your wedding day has finally arrived, the day you have been planning for possibly your whole life. The dress you designed is perfect, and the hair and makeup stylist seriously got the memo on your requests. You can’t wait to show off to your guests, but then. The limelight is stolen by none other than your own child. A two-year-old running down the aisle, giggling hysterically. He could not resist greeting you. This is the story Kristie Mihelich will be telling around the dinner table for the rest of her life – the most precious moment indeed. 

An Unexpected Wedding Moment

A wedding was set for the 22 April for Kristie Mihelich and Bobbly Mihelich at Planterra Conservatory in West Bloomfield, Michigan. The day had been planned with meticulous attention to detail, but not everything goes according to plan, especially when a toddler is involved. Anything could happen!

Mihelich reacts after her son greeted her before she walked down the aisle at her wedding
Orange Blossom Photography

Katie was waiting behind the tree archway, and as soon as she became visible her two-year-old son could not help but notice his mom standing at the end of the aisle. His face burst into a happy grin and he shouted ecstatically to his mom, waving his hands. Next thing, he started running down the aisle towards his mom, she was all dressed up, and he just had to greet her. The photographer at the wedding is the couple’s friend. They quickly snapped the moment in a perfect set of pictures that will be cherished forever. 

“They both see me down at the aisle and their jaws dropped and he said, ‘Huh?’ like he was like, ‘Hi mom!’ and he shook both of his hands vigorously and then he just bolts toward me,” she continued: “It was the sweetest thing. I thought that he would just stand there and wait for me but no, he was running to his mommy,” Katie said in an interview with Good Morning America.

Read: Boy Visits Twin Brother’s Grave to Tell Him about First Day in Kindergarten: ‘He Watches over Me’

The Most Adorable Wedding

According to Katie, her son’s actions were completely unexpected. His original role was meant to be ring bearer, and she thought it was a fitting role for him because he was a natural performer, and very outgoing. During the rehearsal, his typical two-year-old behavior kicked in.

We were always planning on having Pierson as the ring bearer because he is such an outgoing, charismatic, just natural little entertainer, and we thought this would be just perfect role for him. The night before, at the rehearsal dinner, it wasn’t really going that way. He really just wanted to run around the venue and sort of just be a two-year-old,”  Katie said.

Pierson, also called Piercy, was a ringbearer at his mom's wedding.
Orange Blossom Photography

She continued: “I was like, it’s probably not going to be but that’s totally OK because he’s here. It’s gonna happen organically how it’s supposed to. Well, gratefully, he definitely, in his little showmanship way, he did a wonderful job and surprised us all with the happiest reaction to me, seeing me dressed up.” At the wedding reception, his diva behavior did not end. After eating his dinner, he took to the dancefloor, where he remained, busting his moves, the whole night. 

After we had dinner, and like I was saying, he’s like a little performer. He ate his dinner and headed straight to the dance floor and he did not leave the dance floor dancing until midnight,” laughed Katie. When asked about her special day, Katie says: “It was just like a dream come true. I mean, I couldn’t have painted a better picture for a perfect day. And literally, it was like a movie.” 

His Birthday is Coming up!

This fun little guy is turning 3-years-old soon, and hopefully, that means a whole lot of fun for the family. They are planning a fun dress-up occasion for him.

“In 2019, he was born on Derby Day. So this Saturday is also Derby Day so we’re going to celebrate,” said Katie. “His birthday is tomorrow but we’re going to celebrate on Derby Day and get dressed up and a bunch of people are coming. We’re doing the fascinators and the dresses and (we’ll) celebrate for his birthday.”

Keep Reading: Toddler can’t Stop Laughing After Locking Himself in Car as 5 Firefighters Try to Rescue Him


  1. 2-year-old steals the show at mom’s wedding after running down the aisle to greet her.Good Morning America. Yi-Jin Yu.
  2. ‘Hi mom!’ Two-year-old ring bearer can’t contain his excitement when he sees his mother walking down the aisle in her wedding gown. Runs open-armed to hug her.Daily Mail. Lillian Gissen. 5 May 2022.