Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

August 25, 2024

School asked boys to use rating system on girls, female students taught to keep virginity

A Christian school in Australia came under fire recently for what they were teaching in their Christian studies class. While they taught the girls the importance of maintaining their virginity until marriage, boys were asked to use a point system to determine what they are looking for in a girl. The items in each point category will shock and appall you.

Girls At Christian School Taught Virginity Is The Only Important Thing For Them

According to the Sydney Morning Herald, an Anglican school in Australia recently showed exactly how not to teach students about relationships. One of their Christian studies teachers separated the year 10 students into girls and boys and taught them very different lessons. The girls’ lesson was only about the importance of maintaining their virginity until marriage and that only satan brings opportunity for sex out of wedlock.

The boys’ lesson, on the other hand, was quite different. In what the male students now jokingly refer to as their “build a b*tch” lesson, the boys were asked to pick the qualities they want in a girl from a list that allocated different points to different characteristics. These groupings were:

  • 6 points: popular, loyal, good looking/attractive, intelligent, strong Christian, kind and considerate, virgin, trustworthy
  • 5 points: physically fit, easy to talk to, fun/sense of humor, wise
  • 4 points: sporty/sexy, goes to church, honest/doesn’t lie or cheat, similar interests to you, friendly
  • 3 points: well dressed/groomed, artistic, good manners, good pedigree, ambitious goals, hard-working, great kisser, owns a car
  • 2 points: right height, good at school, brave – stand up for rights, socially competent
  • 1 point: favorite hair color, favorite eye color, has money, sincere and serious, generous, adventurous, similar beliefs, cares for the world, comfortable even in quiet moments

The boys had 25 points to work with while choosing their ideal partner.

Read: Schools Urged To Give Lessons To Boys on How To Respect Women

Outrage Amongst The Parents And Girls

When the year 10 girls (grade 10) found out how the boys’ lesson compared to their own, they were understandably very upset. When the students’ parents found out, they were also angry. It was especially unsettling after a recent report that found the highest rates of domestic abuse among Anglican Australians.

The School Apologizes

The school headmaster Geoff Lancaster sent a letter of apology to all the students’ parents and also spoke with the students directly. He acknowledged that both lessons were highly inappropriate and that he was to conduct a review of the Christian studies material. Lancaster also spoke with the teacher involved, who is a member of the Anglican clergy.

“He is very sorry for the offense he has caused and saddened to think that the way this discussion was framed has upset our students,” he wrote in the letter of the teacher involved. “St Luke’s always has been, and always will be, a school that respects, values and honors all students.”

Geoff Lancaster – Sydney Morning Herald

The headmaster hired a consultant to review and revise the christian studies program.

“Despite the best efforts to teach respect, healthy relationships, gender equality, consent, and inclusivity, we don’t always get it right – and last week is a good example of how the very best intentions can go terribly wrong,” he said in a statement.

Geoff Lancaster – Sydney Morning Herald

The teacher involved voluntarily stepped down from teaching the Christian studies class while they continue to investigate the situation.

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