Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

March 9, 2024

These powerful photos prove feeding a baby is beautiful no matter how you do it

However you do it, feeding your baby is an intimate time for a new parent. It is typically a quiet time you spend nourishing, cuddling, and cherishing your small child. Photographer Felicia Saunders carried a lot of guilt because she was unable to breastfeed her baby. She decided to do a photo series that proves feeding a baby is beautiful, no matter how you accomplish it. The photos are gorgeous and have garnered support and praise from women everywhere. (1)

Feeding A Baby Is Beautiful

Portrait of three women feeding their babies in three different ways. The purpose is to show that feeding a baby is beautiful no matter how a parent is able to do it.
Image Credit: Felicia Saunders Photography / Facebook

Felicia Saunders knows first-hand the guilt that many mothers can face if they, for whatever reason, are unable to breastfeed their babies. In 2019, she decided to honor breastfeeding awareness week and month to do a photoshoot that celebrated the fact that feeding a baby is beautiful, no matter how a parent does it.
“ I want to say that no matter your avenue of feeding you are absolutely #amazing! I want to #document your story of the loving bond you form #feeding your #Baby, no matter your feeding style!” she wrote on Instagram. (1)
Her portrait of three women feeding their babies in three different ways spoke to many women. Daily she receives messages thanking her for celebrating all types of feeding, because they, too, are unable to breastfeed.

Tube Feeding Is Beautiful

Portrait of a mother tube feeding her baby while also giving a bottle to her older child to show that feeding a baby is beautiful no matter how a mother does it.
Image Credit: Felicia Saunders Photography / Facebook

One of the least-talked about forms of feeding a baby is tube feeding. There are many reasons why a baby might need to be tube fed instead of via the breast or bottle. Saunders wanted to highlight that, and show that going through the process of tube feeding shows the resilience of mothers. Moms truly will do whatever it takes to make sure their children are properly fed.

Bolus Feeding Is Beautiful

Portrait of a mother tube feeding her baby to celebrate the fact that feeding a baby is beautiful no matter how a mother does it.
Image Credit: Felicia Saunders / Facebook

A bolus feeding is a meal-sized amount of liquid food given through the tube several times a day. Bolus feeding is given through a syringe into the G-tube leading to the stomach. 

Bottle Feeding Is Beautiful

Portrait of a mother bottle feeding her baby to celebrate that feeding a baby is beautiful no matter how a mother chooses to do it.
Image Credit: Felicia Saunders Photography / Facebook

For some moms, breastfeeding just isn’t possible. Maybe it is too painful, maybe the baby struggles, or maybe they are an adoptive mother who doesn’t produce milk. Whatever reason a mother has for not breastfeeding is their business and they should not have to justify it to anyone. As long as their baby is loved, properly nourished, and well-fed, then that woman is doing her duty as a mother.

Breastfeeding Is Beautiful

Portrait of a mother breastfeeding her baby to celebrate that feeding a baby is beautiful no matter how a mother chooses to do it.
Image Credit: Felicia Saunders Photography / Facebook

Of course, breastfeeding is incredible, and if you can do it safely and comfortably, that’s amazing. Unfortunately, there is often a lot of shame and stigma around when, where, and how a mother can breastfeed. Saunders’ photos show how beautiful breastfeeding is and throws out the idea that there is anything to be ashamed of. The female body is brilliant, and the fact that we can even produce nourishment for our children in our own bodies is amazing.

The Bottom Line

Feeding a baby is beautiful no matter how a mother (or father) does it. Instead of worrying about what one parent does and why, let’s just celebrate each other for the incredible sacrifice parents, especially mothers, make to make sure that their child is properly fed.

Keep Reading: Midwives told to say ‘chestfeeding’ instead of ‘breastfeeding’ in gender-inclusive move


  1. Instagram