child kissing baby
Jade Small
Jade Small
March 29, 2024 ·  4 min read

Why Your Older Sister Is One of the Most Important People in Your Life

We often forget the incredible blessing it is to have a sister. A bond so strong and special words often fail to describe it. Your older sibling has been around since the day you were born. Older siblings, especially sisters, are often our role models, best friends, confidants, and teachers.

You and your older sister likely have a unique relationship, and you can count yourself extremely lucky if you do. Not all of us have siblings, let alone someone older to help us and guide us through this thing called life.

Now that you are older and wiser, you probably appreciate your older sister even more. You can truly value the bond you two hold. No matter how far apart you may live from one another, you know she’s always just a phone call away. If you’re lucky and you aren’t separated by geographic location, you should probably give your elder sister a massive hug, right now!

8 Benefits of Having an Older Sister

Toddler Girl Hugs a Sleeper Cute little baby in a crocheted cap on her stomach on a bed
Source: Shutterstock

Research shows that there are a plethora of benefits. So we’ve compiled a list of eight important reasons why your big sis rocks! Read on to discover why it’s so beneficial to have a sibling, especially an older one!

Read More: Having a Sister Is Beneficial To Your Mental Health, Studies Show

She Teaches You To Be Independent

Two women sitting on sofa speaking at home
Source: Shutterstock

British psychologists revealed their findings in this 2009 survey of 571 people aged 17 to 25. Results showed people who had at least one sister and not only brothers grew up to be more independent and more determined than those who did not.[1]

She helps you develop interpersonal skills

Two serious friends talking sitting in a restaurant
Source: Shutterstock

The author of the book The Sibling Effect, Jeffrey Kluger writes that fighting with your older sibling has a good effect on the adult you! Those arguments when you were 13 may have resulted in conflict resolution, empathy, and your ability to nurture.[2]

She Will Make You More Compassionate

rear view of female counselor cheering up upset teenage girl on family therapy session in office
Source: Shutterstock

A study from Brigham Young University lead by author Laura Padilla-Walker, discovered that your big sister could have an effect on your compassion. Older sisters tend to promote positive social behaviors which help you become a kinder person who is also more giving! The study shows that even if your parents were loving, your big sister probably had a more profound effect. [3]

She Will Give Your Mental Health a Positive Boost

Lovable caucasian girls expressing positive emotions to camera. Outdoor photo of refined sisters posing on sky background.
Source: Shutterstock

If you’re feeling down, call your big sister! Having an older sister can help boost your mind and your self-esteem. This study from the Journal of Family Psychology found that older sisters are protective of their younger siblings’ feelings when it comes to guilt, loneliness, fear, and not feeling loved.

What we know suggests that sisters play a role in promoting positive mental health and later in life, they often do more to keep families in contact with one another after the parents pass.”[4]

Alex Jensen. Assistant professor in the School of Family Life at BYU

Read More: Please Stop Telling My Daughter That Her Sibling Is Her “Half-Sister”

She Will Help You Achieve Balance

Two happy roommates talking in winter sitting on a sofa in the living room in a house interior
Source: Shutterstock

Your older sister can help you find inner peace, according to this study. Having at least one sister can help you cope with life’s many issues resulting in less stress! This means being happier and more optimistic overall.[1]

Our explanation for it is that the presence of girls opens up channels of communication and it becomes a much more expressive situation and that’s positive.

Emotional expression is fundamental to good psychological health and having sisters promotes this in families.’

Researcher Tony Cassidy, University of Ulster[1]

Of course, there are plenty of non-scientific reasons your older sister is important too!

You Can Be The Real You Around Her

Serious friends talking sitting on a couch in the living room at home
Source: Shutterstock

As I am sure you know, you can be simply yourself with your older sis. In a world where we constantly have to fake a smile, this is important. Someone you can kick off your shoes with, tell corny jokes around, and just be you!

She Teaches You Valuable Life Lessons

Siblings With Teenage Sister Playing On Outdoor Trampoline In Garden
Source: Shutterstock

Your older sister will have experiences before you, and you can learn from them. You’ll be able to learn what to do, and whatnot. Of course, you’ll still have to bump your head a few times, but having someone close to you who’s reached those milestones first will help you navigate life.

She’s Got The Best Advice

mother and her grown up daughter
Source: Shutterstock

While you were growing up, you always knew you could count on your sister for advice. When you didn’t know what to do about a boy, to what to study when you finished school – she knew you best and still does. Today, she’s the person you can turn to when you don’t know which car to buy, or when your husband is pissing you off!

Read More: Single Mom Discovers Her Foster Baby Is Actually The Biological Sister Of Her Adopted Son


  1. Why having a sister makes you happier and helps families bond. Daily Mail. Fiona Macrae. 2009.
  2. Science Looks At The Sibling Effect. NPR. 2011.
  3. Self-regulation as a mediator between sibling relationship quality and early adolescents’ positive and negative outcomes. APA PsycNet. Padilla-Walker, L. M., Harper, J. M., & Jensen, A. C. 2010.
  4. It’s science: Having sisters helps you become a better person. Motherly. Annamarya Scaccia. January 22 2018.