Chloe Crawford
Chloe Crawford
June 12, 2024 Âˇ  3 min read

Manager Fired Mom For Missing Work While Her Son Was On Life Support: “No Reason You Can’t Work”

A Michigan mom was fired for missing work, and, needless to say, it sparked outrage all over social media. Of course, people get fired every day so it doesn’t sound outrageous that this mom was. However, what if I told you that she missed work because her son was suddenly put on life support. Are you ready to join forces with the rest of the internet to hold this employer accountable? Because I know I am! 

If anyone’s family member, let alone their child, is in critical condition, you would hope your employer would not only allow you to take time to be with them but also support your wellbeing. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the case for Crystal Reynolds Fisher. 

texts showing the boss aggressively forcing the mom to quit
Image credit: Crystal Reynolds Fisher | Facebook

Mom fired for missing work is left speechless

Jason, Reynolds Fisher’s 18-year-old son, was diagnosed with a form of Sepsis [1]. Sepsis, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “happens when an infection you already have triggered a chain reaction throughout your body. Without timely treatment, sepsis can rapidly lead to tissue damage, organ failure, and death” [2].

Reynolds Fisher was working at a PS Food Mart gas station in Michigan when Jason when her world turned upside down [1]. And, with a son who is in danger of multiple organ failure, she had hoped her boss would have been more supportive (or, at least some time off). However, Reynolds Fisher was met with apathy and cruelty. 

Reynold Fisher, like any responsible worker, let her boss know right away about her situation and her need to be with her son. She wrote: “I’m just letting you know my son is still on life support so until he is out of the bad I will not be able to make it to work, I can let you know as he starts to get better so that way I can return to work with no problems” [3]. 

Read: Mom Bods Deserve To Be Accepted Just As Much As Dad Bods

Mom fired for missing work receives threats from her boss

Her boss, without even asking Reynold Fisher if her son is okay, threatened her. “That isn’t how we do things, so I’ll accept that you’re quitting,” [3]. Firstly, when did she quit? Secondly, what a cruel woman! 

Mom fired for missing work after boss won't allow her to take time off
Image credit: Crystal Reynolds Fisher | Facebook

Basically, her boss got even WORSE through the series of texts exchanged. She offered no sympathy (you know… like a normal human being??) but only threats of Reynold Fisher losing her job! 

“I will not get into [this] with you on here but I’ve been more than accommodating during this allowing schedule changes and such. There is no reason you can’t work and I will not tolerate drama. End of conversation. If you aren’t there to work your shift tomorrow than I take that as you’ve quit.” [3].

texts exchanged between mom and boss. Boss calls her situation drama she won't tolerate
Image credit: Crystal Reynolds Fisher | Facebook

Isn’t that crazy?? I hope that you can see why this mom fired for missing work has infuriated the entire internet! Obviously, Reynolds Fisher was shocked by this response! Naturally, Reynolds Fisher took her frustration to Facebook. “So my son is on life support, and I tell my boss 48 hours before I am to work again that I will not be able to work until my son is off life support, and this is what she tells me!” [3].

Folk Oil Company makes a statement

“Today, we were made aware of a situation at one of our locations where an employee was told that they could not get time off to care for a hospitalized child. PS Food Mart and Folk Oil Company are in complete agreement that this is not acceptable,” Folk Oil Company states.

“We are investigating the situation and will make sure that it is resolved quickly and thoroughly. We have already been in contact with our employee and have communicated our support and assurance that she will be allowed any time off needed.” 

Basically, the boss that fired this mom for missing work is the worst. I hope that we hear that she faced penalties and was fired herself. However, most importantly, I hope that Reynolds Fisher’s son makes a full recovery. 

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  1. ‘I’LL ACCEPT YOU’RE QUITTING’ Manager sacked after sending heartless texts to mum who couldn’t come to work because her son was on life support.” The Sun. Mark Hodge. July 3, 2018.
  2. What is sepsis?CDC.
  3. Crystal Reynolds FisherFacebook. June 30, 2018.