Jade Small

Jade Small

August 23, 2024

Mom Bods Deserve To Be Accepted Just As Much As Dad Bods

Women across the globe have taken to the internet in solidarity. Using social accounts and various other platforms to celebrate their bodies’ natural curves or what they call mom bods. What may have started as a direct response to the current ‘dad bod’ trend has now become something far more meaningful, promoting self-confidence by using the #mombod hashtag with their selfies.[2]

This past week, Akilah Hughes, the writer, comedian, and Youtuber, shared a video clip that made a joke of the growing ‘dad bod’ internet craze. Originally, the term ‘dad bod’ was apparently first used by Mackenzie Pearson, a college student who commented on some slightly overweight men on an online publication. 

The Mom Bod vs The Dad Bod

As the ‘dad bod’ media coverage gained momentum, it inspired hundreds of women of all ages to react in support of each other. The ‘mom bod’ sensation then gained some attention of its own, through boosting the self-image of women and observing their natural bodies.[2]

[A woman said in her Twitter post that she, “Ain’t supporting a #dadbod until there is an equal craze over #MOMBOD bc men cannot glorify beer bellies and demand trophy wives.”[1]

On Instagram, another woman named Susanna posted a set of images with the caption, ‘I give you the #mombod.’     

“This morning I was so angry at the phenomenon #dadbod that I cried. Not about the dadbod itself, but the idea. Some famous men drift around at the beach and look like most people do and someone has reacted and thought: Wow! Half-fat and they still get women and the world still thinks of them as hot. (Of course they’re male.)

She added that numbers of women with mom bods are viewed as ‘unhealthy’ when their figures don’t resemble a model’s. Women are often thought to be not caring for themselves as they should.

Today I think of how since I was twelve I always valued myself based on how I look, and always, always tried to change myself. Up 2 kg, 5 kg down 6 kg up 3 kg down. This constant struggle against my own body and the self-contempt. I know that it is only me who decides if I look as good in size 27 as in size 30 or 34 or whatever. But it sure isn’t easy to love yourself as a woman in this world. But I do think a revolt is coming up!

The Movement Gains Momentum

Carly described her encounter with haters of mom bods to The Daily Mail Online:[1]

When I had posted the picture on Facebook I had many people comment on it suggesting to me that I get rid of or cover up my stretch marks.”

I was very frustrated that I was trying to show people that self-love is important and they were telling me to edit myself! The amount of support I have gotten in response has been INCREDIBLE! Support mom bod!”

A further Instagrammer joined the mom bods with a tummy pic, stating:

“‘My body wasn’t perfect, to begin with and it isn’t perfect now. I wasn’t happy where I was before and I’m not happy where I am now. This is my #MomBod, I have carried life. My stomach grew for 9 months with a miracle. I wasn’t one of those “lucky” girls that bounced back to being ridiculously skinny with no stretch marks. This is my body, it will take time to learn to love it.” 

Celebrating Mom Bods

Another Instagram user, Aila, who often posted body pics, left the following comment in response to a post:[1]

Let’s put a stop to this right now. Let’s stop celebrating the terrible standard that is the Dadbod. There’s no such thing as a Dadbod.

No father has had to carry a baby in his tummy for forty weeks. And, no father has had his stomach muscles distend and completely rearrange themselves from having a baby grow in it. No father has gotten stretch marks from having his stomach grow ridiculously and suddenly collapse after childbirth. 

Celebrating the Dadbod is an insult to mothers whose bodies have been permanently altered by giving birth. This is my stomach today. With a higher percent of body fat than I have in months, but even at my most ripped, I’ll still have stretch marks and loose skin that I won’t be able to completely eliminate.

This is a Mombod. this is a body that has gone through the rigors of childbirth. Celebrating the Dadbod is a disservice to every mom because it takes absolutely no effort nor sacrifice to get it. It is an insult to every hardworking dad who’s trying to shed that belly fat. (the kind that puts you most at risk for heart ailments) with diet and exercise.


  1. Men cannot glorify beer bellies and demand trophy wives’: Women hit back. Daily Mail. CHARLIE LANKSTON.
  2. How ‘Mom Bod’ and ‘Dad Bod’ Are Not Created Equal. Mom. Meredith C. Carroll.