pregnant woman getting makeup done
Jade Small
Jade Small
May 5, 2024 ·  3 min read

Moms Are Doing Their Makeup Before Giving Birth

Childbirth is a legendary thing. With 9 months of preparation and built-up excitement, one is bound to get into a bit of a tizzy when the due date draws in. There are probably one thousand questions and concerns running through your head, like, how painful is this going to be? Will my baby be okay? Will I be okay? And… It’s okay to admit it… What on earth is everyone in the room going to think of my birth face?  Some ladies run a bath, play some Mozart and get some aromatherapy going to calm their nerves; others are slapping on some makeup before giving birth. 

This new trend is nothing to be ashamed of, and it is more common than you think. How many of you would pop down to the shops without mascara on, let alone allowing strangers to see you in your most natural and vulnerable state? Lamaze classes teach you how to be confident in your ability to give birth, but if doing makeup before giving birth makes you feel good, and that gives you more strength, then who is anyone to judge? 

Having beautiful Instagram photos is the new norm, so it is not surprising that certain makeup vloggers and influencers on all things to do with beauty took to the trend insta-ntly (yes, pun intended). Good on them for normalizing something other people might scoff at, even if it is doing their makeup before giving birth. You might be accused of being brainwashed by the media for feeling like you have to look good only moments after birthing your baby. Other women might appreciate having something else to focus on in between contractions. There is nothing more normal than wanting a distraction from intense pain. So, regardless of what your distraction is, you do you, boo!

Lee Ann Jarrel

Lee Ann Jarrel  does her Makeup before giving birth
Instagram | @leeannjarrell

Lee Ann Jarrel a beauty blogger, graced her fans with these images before her labor. Complete with a sassy caption, “Contractions? Highlight that b****”.

Make Up By Alaha

makeup before giving birth
Instagram | @makeupbyalaha

Alaha only packed her favorite products to apply her makeup before giving birth.

Make Up By Alaha Had Assistance

Instagram | @makeupbyalaha

Make sure you have your ‘nurse’ at hand to hold your brushes.

Alexis Jayda

Instagram | alexisjayda

Never miss out on a chance to vlog. Alexis recorded her make up session while in her hospital bed to share with her followerds

Read: Dad’s heartbreaking post after losing partner to postnatal depression: “Seek help early on”

Alexis Jayda Went All Out

Instagram | alexisjayda

Some false lashes to complete your look after applying your makeup before giving birth.


having her makeup before giving birth done
Instagram | tegan

Sit back and relax while someone pampers you with some makeup before giving birth, it might make the whole ordeal go by quicker.

Brianna Clynch

all ready for baby after doing her makeup before giving birth
Instagram | @briannaclynch

What better way to distract you from your contractions than to contour yourself through them?

MUA Passion

doing her lips and makeup before birth
Instagram | mua_passion

We are all unique in our experiences.

Kelsey Nistler

makeup before birth
Instagram | kelseynistler

You are not alone in this feeling. Some women find childbirth to be a completely personal experience.

Miss Jenise Lebron

makeup before giving birth
Instagram | missjeniselebron

Whatever floats your boat! Makeup before giving birth? Sure!

Keidra Lee

makeup before giving birth
Instagram | keidralee

Overtired? Never. Longest labor ever? Maybe. Feeling glamorous? Definitely.

Beauty By Sharae

makeup before giving birth
Instagram | beautybytsharae

Childbirth can be super emotional… when doing your makeup before giving birth, just make sure your mascara says “waterproof” on the label.

Beauty By Taylor G

makeup before giving birth
Instagram | @beautybytaylorg

Childbirth, besides the pain, can be undeniably joyful. So you might as well look the part and get your makeup before giving birth perfect!

Madison Ojeda

makeup before giving birth
Instagram | @madisonojeda

Whatever makes you feel like a treasure.

Keep Reading: “It’s Okay to Miss Someone you Never Met”—a Miscarriage Story.