Mayukh Saha

Mayukh Saha

May 15, 2024

Wife Accidentally Burned By Husband Says He Left Her 2 Weeks After She Got Out Of Hospital

Some people just have a string of bad luck. For example, Courtney Waldon would have thought getting severely burned was the most terrifying moment of her life. But she could never realize that this incident was the catalyst to yet another misery. After this brave woman spent close to two months in the hospital, she was itching to attach herself to her family.[1] After being in a medically-induced coma, we can hardly judge her for that.

Courtney Waldon before the incident
Image Credits: Courtney Waldon

Unfortunately, her husband didn’t want to be with her anymore. 

The Wife Whose Husband Disregarded Their Wedding Vows

We can’t express the sympathy that we have for her, but we wouldn’t also decry the efforts of a brave woman to make a name for herself. She wasn’t complaining regarding her rotten luck. Waldon was wistful- she wanted to be with her family for Thanksgiving on the 17th of November. But just a couple of weeks later- her husband decided to walk out on her. We wouldn’t try to assume why her husband did that. Nevertheless, the pain of being abandoned doesn’t really portray her husband in a good light. 

Courtney at the hospital, recuperating from the incident
Image Credits: Courtney Waldon

Courtney Waldon, the abandoned wife, informed People, “I was devastated. I begged for him to come back, but then I realized, after about three weeks of him putting me off, that he wasn’t coming back.” Waldon said that she could feel a part of her life getting burnt, again. “I lost everything, my dignity, my looks, and the person I thought was the love of my life.”

But for those wondering, where did it all go wrong? It all started on a September night, when Waldon sat by a campfire, as her husband put on the grills. While her husband was moving the can of gas around, some of it spilled on her. This led to her catching fire all over her body, as she was covered in giant flames. “I stopped, dropped, and rolled while screaming bloody murder. I thought I was dying.”

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Survivor’s Fear- The Wife Had No Direction In Her Life

This abandoned wife was quite lucky to just be alive. She had suffered through fourth-degree burns that destroyed her face. But that wasn’t all. She also had third-degree burns all over her hands, feet, and legs. Now, we are all for body positivity, but can we really blame her for feeling squeamish? The first time she saw her face after recovery led to her passing out. “I got sick to my stomach”.

A short while afterwards returning to daily life.
Image Credits: Courtney Waldon

After this, we will ask you to imagine a situation. Imagine you surrounded by flames, and then waking up in a hospital- changed beyond belief. You are eager to rejoin your family and need their support, their love, and their care. You want them to tell you that nothing has changed and they would still love you just like they did. But what do they do? The man “who told me the vows of for better or for worse” left her. 

Fortunately, Courtney Waldon had her daughter with her. And this tiny pillar of support never let her mother go. Courtney stated, “I was in a very bad place.” And we can speak with certainty that her recovery was all due to the efforts of her daughter. She helped her mother heal from not only her wounds but also the wounds of the heart. This support from one end helped Waldon get a new lease of life. After enduring through a dozen surgeries, Courtney is quite surprised that she is still alive. “I shouldn’t be here. It’s a miracle I survived.” 

A New Outlook- Post Recovery

This brings us to the latest segment of the story. When Courtney Waldon was interviewed by People, she had quite a jaunty tune about her life. The PTSD and the depression had been snuffed out of her life, and she was looking forward to enjoying everything that came her way. “I am so blessed. God has done so many good things for me.” What brought that change about? To put it simply, Waldon started taking control of her own life. While she did live with her parents for a few months for her recovery, she soon moved into their own home. 

Courtney (L), Mom Karen Cosper (M), daughter Caroline (R)
Image Credits: Courtney Waldon

The newly-empowered ex-wife stated, “It’s our own place and we have been able to restart our lives. Caroline is everything to me. I do everything for her.” Waldon had to go through a lot just to get her confidence back, and we can’t say we are jealous about it. She still felt a burning sensation in her hands every single day when she did things. And this was because her hands had suffered the worst when she tried to dowse the flames on her body. But Waldon’s indomitable will and strength didn’t take a hit even then.

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Love, Life, and A Catalyst For Change

“It has gotten so much better over time. God has been amazing and helped my skin smooth out. I see my features more and more and how I was before.

Interestingly, just like she had a string of bad luck previously, her fortunes have been turning ever since. She got into a serious relationship where she felt beautiful and loved. One can only imagine the pains the guy had to take to remove the pain caused by her ex-husband.

“He treats me and my daughter amazing, which has helped tremendously. I have had several people try to date me because of my story, thinking I have money and to get publicity.”

We know that there will always be people who would try to get something out of someone else’s misery, but this ex-wife did strike diamond with her boyfriend. She stated that she had found the perfect partner in her neighbor. Christopher, her neighbor, wasn’t looking for publicity. Rather, he was looking for someone to love and to be with.

Far be it from us to comment on the relationship between two people, but what this couple share is special. They have immense love and respect for each other. Christopher knows the struggle that Courtney goes through every single day. And Courtney, on her part, looks up to this kind man who has captured her heart. 

There Was Help Along The Way

It would be wrong to state that every single person in her life soon turned their backs to her. No, this ex-wife did get tremendous support from the community around her. Her home was built by the local church. She also has a GoFundMe page that was set up by Karen, her mother. The amount from her page has reached over $430,000- which is close to her goal of $500,000. Courtney stated, “It’s been a journey but I’m only getting better. My burns don’t define who I am.”

Courtney (R), Mom Karen Cosper (L), daughter Caroline (M)
Image Credits: Courtney Waldon

Every cloud has a silver lining. She was lamenting the fact that her life was over. When her husband left, she couldn’t help but think,

“I was sitting there going through my mind, how am I going to take care of my daughter now? How? Because I had no idea how I was going to make her food. I couldn’t even open a bag of chips, string cheese, a coke can, you name it.

From a place of utter desolation, this ex-wife soon found reasons to live. A house of her own, a delightful partner, a dedicated daughter, a supporting community, and a desire to live her life on her own terms.

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  1. Her beautiful inside: How young mom survived campfire explosion and every day since.” Whas 11. Jessica Noll, Deborah Tuff. August 21, 2017.
  2. Georgia Mom Says Husband Left Her After She Was Severely Burned in Fire He Accidentally Started: ‘I Was Devastated’.” People. Caitlin Keating. August 30, 2017.
  3. Georgia Mom, 29, Disfigured in Campfire Accident: ‘My Burns Don’t Define Who I Am’.” People. Caitlin Keating. June 01, 2019.