people cheering wine glasses
Jade Small
Jade Small
January 5, 2024 ·  3 min read

To The Friends Who Still Love Us Even If We Don’t Talk To Them Every Day

We often feel guilty for “neglecting” our friends. You know what I mean; not replying to that text, or returning a call. Often we are left feeling terrible because we can’t make it to a birthday or missing a planned dinner.

What we often feel most guilty of, is not taking the time to talk to friends who have been in our lives for a long time, who live far away. What often we don’t realize is that those same friends are just as grateful to us for not piling on the pressure to chat when life is just too busy.

A Letter To My Friends

I want to take this moment to thank you all, each one of you who, despite living miles and miles away, still feel like you are right next door.

Thank you for all the times you’ve lifted my spirits when I was not feeling myself. When I was sad and alone, you were there. Video calls, long text chats. You were at my side, albeit, miles away.

No matter how far you are or how much your lives have changed, you have somehow managed to stay the same people I knew and loved growing up. I want to thank you for that.

Some of you are married with children now, others have high-end jobs that demand more time than you have.

Thank you For Being My Friend, Anyway

You’ve proven over and over, that true love and friendship know no bounds. Time and distance could never keep us apart. And every time, we finally see each other again, nothing at all has changed.

You have all given me a friendship like no other. A bond so immensely strong it could never break. This is the kind of friendship that will last a lifetime, no matter what happens.

You’ve given me warmth and kindness and always welcomed me in your homes. Thank you.

No matter who put me down, you stood by me and made me feel like I could accomplish anything. You believed in me, even when you actually had no idea what I was doing!

You looked after me and helped me through sadness, through the messy times. But you also helped me create beautiful memories during the good.

You were all my partners, my confidants. Each time we finally reunite, life turns into an adventure. My true partners in crime. We are thick as thieves!

Thank you for going out of your way to meet me halfway, even though we live so very far apart. Be it by road or plane, you’ve never let down.

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Thank You For Loving Me

No matter how I may have changed, you love me anyway. No matter what I have done that you may not agree with, you love me anyway. Thank you.

Thank you for accepting me through my changes, for letting me grow and learn, and still being by my side, even when I make the wrong changes and choices.

For all the things you’ve done over the years, and the many things you will still do, thank you.

Most Importantly, My Friends

What is most valuable to me than anything else. Thank you for making me feel safe. I know I can always return to you and you will be my home.

No matter how far the distance or how much time has passed, our friendship can not be defined that way. Our conversations flow effortlessly as if no time has passed at all. Thank you for this gift of friendship and love.

Thank you for not letting time and distance define our friendship.

For all those times I was not there for you, thank you for not holding it against me. Thank you for forgiving me even though I was a less than perfect friend to you.

You all helped me find my way when I sat in self-loathing and depression, you helped me back on my feet and back onto the right path. When I was lost, you guided me back to where I needed to be. And I didn’t even have to ask.

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