tallulah willis
Leah Berenson
Leah Berenson
May 22, 2024 ·  5 min read

Bruce Willis’ family faces tragic new health battle as daughter, Tallulah Willis, struggles

Most people have heard of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis. Both are well-known actors and have each made an incredibly successful career for themselves. Ultimately, they separated, but not before they had three wonderful children. Sadly, the youngest, Tallulah Willis, suffers from a number of mental health disorders. She’s spoken out, shedding light on common concerns plaguing many Americans.

Celebrities Struggle Too

People often look enviously upon the lives of celebrities and their children. Reaching a certain level of wealth and fame opens a whole new set of doors. Celebrities have seemingly unlimited resources and the luxury to live their lives according to their own rules. Although they appear to be out of touch with reality, none are immune to the unpredictable hardships of life.

A reality that extends to their children as well. Tallulah Willis is no exception. Sadly, she has been experiencing struggles with Body Dysmorphia which leads to eating disorders. Furthermore, she’s also facing an ADHD diagnosis and a borderline personality disorder. After she had some time to process the new challenges in her life, she spoke with Vogue explaining in diligent detail the start of her struggles and how things have continued to unfold.

Tallulah Willis Shares Her Story

For the last four years, I have suffered from anorexia nervosa, which I’ve been reluctant to talk about because, after getting sober at age 20, restricting food has felt like the last vice that I got to hold on to,” Tallulah Willis disclosed. At 11 years old, Tallulah Willis attended an event with her mother Demi Moore, and Demi’s partner at the time, Ashton Kutcher. Excited to see if her “awfully grown up” outfit had made it in the tabloids, she searched online. Much to her excitement, it had!

Sadly, the comments section left her feeling ripped apart. Reading things like, “She’s like an ugly version of her dad” and “Her mother must be so disappointed” ultimately created a sense of body dysmorphia and anorexia nervosa. “I told no one. I just lived with the silent certainty of my own ugliness.” Tallulah Willis painfully recalled.

At 20 years old, she entered psychiatric treatment. Something that she would do again five years later. This time, in a residential treatment center in Malibu. Her goal was to address the depression she’d been battling for years. She divulged it was a “largely therapeutic experience,” explaining “for the first time, I grieved the 15-year-old misfit me”. During this cycle of treatment, she was given another diagnosis, ADHD. Fortunately, she started stimulant medication and said the experience was “transformative.”

Tallulah Willis Finally Finds Serenity

At age 29, Tallulah Willis went through a breakup, resulting in another round of therapy. Driftwood Recovery in Texas diagnosed her with borderline personality disorder. Luckily, this revelation sent her on a path toward deep healing. “I realized that what I wanted more than harmony with my body was harmony with my family—to no longer worry them, to bring a levity to my sisters and my parents.” She said.

“I admit that I have met Bruce’s decline in recent years with a share of avoidance and denial that I’m not proud of. The truth is that I was too sick myself to handle it.” Tallulah shared. The challenges she’s learning to overcome have given her a new perspective on life. “Every time I go to my dad’s house, I take tons of photos—of whatever I see, the state of things. I’m like an archaeologist, searching for treasure in stuff that I never used to pay much attention to. I have every voicemail from him saved on a hard drive. I find that I’m trying to document, to build a record for the day when he isn’t there to remind me of him and of us.” She lovingly explained.

Read: Bruce Willis’ ‘Big Gang of Women’ Stands by Him amid His Aphasia Diagnosis – Inside His Blended Family

Understanding Tallulah Willis’ Disorders

Mental health plays a major role in everyone’s daily life. However, being in the spotlight like Tallulah Willis, her siblings, and other celebrity children can cause severe damage that often takes years of therapy to mend. Fortunately, when well-known influencers and celebrities speak up about their conditions, they bring more awareness to certain conditions that everyday people also struggle with.


One of the most common mental health disorders is ADHD. Recognizable symptoms include:

  1. Being unable to sit still
  2. Frequent daydreaming
  3. Engaging in risky behaviors
  4. Forgetfulness
  5. Difficulty keeping focus for long periods of time

There are two major types of ADHD and a third type that is a combination of both, known as “Combined Presentation.” There are many reasons for the disorder, ranging from genetics to premature birth to experiencing trauma.

Anorexia Nervosa

Another disorder that Tallulah Willis is addressing is her anorexia nervosa, also just known as anorexia. This commonly affects more women than men and generally develops from stress, low self-esteem, depression, and anxiety. Although the official cause is unknown, sufferers also exhibit symptoms such as depression or low self-esteem. There are two well-known types, bulimia in which a person eats too much and then makes themselves throw up. Or “restrictor type,” essentially starving themselves.

Borderline Personality Disorder

The last health disorder that Tallulah Willis is working through addressing at this time is borderline personality disorder. There are two main known causes of the disorder, genetics, and brain abnormalities. Sufferers, among other symptoms, may have distorted views of themselves or others. This also includes unstable or unmanageable feelings in relationships. Or changes in self-identity and differing values. Currently, the only treatment option is to seek guidance from a mental health professional.

Luckily, there is help for those also struggling with the same or similar disorders as Tallulah Willis. NationalEatingDisorders.org. is a wonderful resource. They have a phone number as well, 1-800-931-2237. For help with other mental health crisis, text “STRENGTH” to 741-741 and get connected to a certified crisis counselor. Meanwhile, 988 is the suicide and crisis lifeline. All have help, information, and resources that are accessible 24/7.

Keep Reading: Bruce Willis’ Will Leaves Daughters With Demi Moore Just ‘$1 Million Each’


  1. What is ADHD?CDC.
  2. Anorexia NervosaJohn’s Hospkins Medicine.
  3. Borderline Personality Disorder.” Mayo Clinic
  4. Tallulah Willis Details Eating Disorder Battle amid ADHD and Borderline Personality Diagnoses.People. Vanessa Etienne. June 1, 2023.
  5. Tallulah Willis on Grief, Healing, and the Road Ahead.” Vogue. Rob Haskell. May 31, 2023.