Jade Small

Jade Small

August 11, 2024

Mom Realizes An Important Lesson After Catching Spouse Lying Next To Teenage Daughter On The Bathroom Floor

As a single woman, what qualities do or did you look for in a man? Specifically, what qualities would you have searched for when choosing a partner you want to marry? We all know that being with someone based on their looks or bank account is superficial, so which attributes are the ones that really matter? Well, one mom thinks she’s found the right one, and, judging by his actions, we could not agree more!

Hailing from Mifflinburg, Pennsylvania, Kari Boyer posted on Facebook to praise her husband. She also wrote about how waiting for the right guy to come along is far better than spending any amount of time wasted on the wrong one. It all comes down to knowing your worth and not settling!

No amount of waiting for a husband is worse than settling for the wrong spouse and losing years of your life living outside of the will of God.

Do. Not. Settle.

Were the words towards the end of Kari’s post. She also encouraged young women to be sure that they were committing to the right man. Whether you believe in God or not, her words still ring true throughout her post.

Young lady, trust me when I tell you, that after 15 years of marriage, 3 kids and a baby in Heaven, many devastating trials and lots of heartache- you need to make sure that the man you give your life to, is the man God has sent you.

Kati’s post did not come out of the blue, her 13 year old daughter was ill and lying on the bathroom floor, unable to take in any fluids and even needing to go to hospital. Kati went on to praise her husband for being such an amazing father. The qualities her husband possess are something the younger generation may miss while looking for the perfect spouse.

Young ladies, when the season of life comes and you’re starting to pray for a spouse to spend your life with… pray for the kind of man that will lay next to your future 13yr old, on the bathroom floor praying over her because she can’t keep a drop of water down. Pray for a man that will carry her down the stairs, to the car and spend all night in the hospital by her side. Pray for a spouse that will consistently put you and your children first, above himself- but NOT above the Lord.

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father and sick daughter lying on bathroom floor

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Wait for the one

At the end of Kati’s heartfelt post, she urges women to wait and not waste their precious time on men who do not deserve them.

Wait for the one God has for you. Don’t give pieces of yourself away to every man that crosses your path and shows you a little affection.

And, she is right. Although it can be difficult to let go when you love someone who does not love you in the same way. Many of us woman know that feeling, and we try so hard to get the object of our affection to love us how we want them to. Sadly, after our trying leads to no change, we convince ourselves that maybe, we are not worthy of their love in the end. Yet, we stay.

However, perhaps Kati’s post will help someone who needs to hear it at that moment, and perhaps this post will help someone to gather the strength to leave. Imagine raising children with someone who does not love you, how are they supposed to love your children? Chances are, they do not even love themselves. Another part of Kati’s post reminds us that we need to notice the little things that our partners do, the clues that indicate they are not the right man for us. After all, if he has time for his hobbies, he sure as heck should have time for you.

Pray for a spouse that will wake up at 6:30am on Sunday and get his family around and lead them to the House of God. Because, if he can wake up at 4:30am on Saturday to hunt… he can wake up at 6:30 on Sunday to lead his family to salvation. 

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