happy woman smiling with hands placed on chest
Leah Berenson
Leah Berenson
May 24, 2024 ·  4 min read

11 Signs Someone Is Thinking About You

It’s always heartwarming when someone you care about is thinking about you. However, for reasons such as a fear of vulnerability, they may not always reach out to let you know. Fortunately, there’s no shortage of superstitious ideas regarding how to know. Here are 11 signs that you may be on someone’s mind. 

1. You Sneeze

Red/Orange cat sneezing. Orange background.
“Photo Credit: Ihtar | Pixabay

Rooted in Asian Culture, a sign that someone is thinking about you may be a sudden or unexplained sneezing fit. Two sneezes in a row signify negative thoughts, whereas three sneezes signify positive thoughts. Supposedly, you can figure out who’s thinking about you. However, this doesn’t apply if you have a cold or allergies.

2. Flushed Cheeks May Signify Someone Thinking About You 

rosacea couperose redness skin, red spots on cheeks, young woman with sensitive skin, patient face close-up
Source: Shutterstock

Many believe that flushed cheeks or ears are another sign that someone is thinking about you. This is particularly true if it’s accompanied by a burning sensation. Some believe that someone may be thinking about you negatively, while others believe it’s a sign that someone has feelings for you. 

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3. Hiccups Might mean Someone is Thinking About You 

Young unhealthy female sit on couch having difficulty breathing pain of heart, touches his chest with hand. Trouble breathing, chest pain. Heart attack, thoracic osteochondrosis, panic attack concept
Source: Shutterstock

Hiccups are an annoying and mostly unexplained phenomenon. However, there are some scientifically backed reasons including overeating, eating too quickly, recent abdominal surgery, or certain medications. If none of these apply, then your hiccups might mean someone is thinking about you. 

4. Random eye twitches

Close up of a green/hazel eye.
“Photo Credit: Skitterphoto | Pixabay

While there are differing beliefs regarding men and women, a random eye twitch is believed to be a sign that someone is thinking about you. For men, a right eye twitch means someone is thinking about you in a positive light while a twitch in the left eye represents negative thoughts. Conversely, the opposite is believed to be true of women. The left eye signals positive thoughts while a twitch in the right eye represents negative thoughts. However, it’s important to note that eye twitches can be the result of stress or an underlying medical condition. 

5. Discomfort while eating

Woman suffering an anxiety attack alone in the night on a couch at home
Source: Shutterstock

Unsurprisingly, this is a bad omen as unexplained discomfort while eating may result from someone thinking about you, but it likely isn’t good. They’re most likely tense or stressed, and they’re taking a toll on your body and wreaking havoc on your digestive tract. 

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6. White Feathers Mean Someone is Thinking About You

A white feather with dew drops.
“Photo Credit: Alba1970 | Pixabay

In many cultures, a white feather represents comfort, guidance, and support. Therefore, seeing a white feather shortly after losing a loved one is likely a sign they’re thinking about you and letting you know they’re safe, happy, comfortable, or in a better place. 

7. Unexplained Physical Touch or Sensations

Four hands grasping each other, Checkered background.
Photo Credit: truthseeker08 | Pixabay

Another sign that someone is thinking about you may be feeling an unexplained physical sensation. For example, you may feel like someone has touched you when no one is there. Although, it’s unknown if this is a symbol of negative or positive thoughts.

8. Finding Change May Mean Someone Is Thinking About You

Kennedy Half Dollar Modern Clad
Source: Shutterstock

Although most people can easily explain finding change on the ground, others believe it is a sign that someone is thinking about you. This superstition also applies to finding little trinkets while out and about.

9. Dreams May Mean Someone is Thinking About You

Mushrooms and blue butterflies. Night sky and blurred forest in the background.
“Photo Credit: Stergo | Pixabay

Dreams are a powerful tool that helps our brains work through problems or make sense of the day. Alternately, some believe that dreaming of someone you haven’t spoken to or seen in a while may be a sign that they are thinking about you. Moreover, they may also be a sign that you’re thinking about or missing that person.

10. Random Itches Mean Someone Is Thinking About You

Asian women have skin problems She felt irritation on her skin. Skin infection itching red rash scratching with hands. She around 25 Wearing white shirt standing on isolate background
Source: Shutterstock

This superstition has some interesting beliefs including the idea that if your nose itches, you’ll likely find yourself in an argument with someone. However, itchiness doesn’t only apply to someone thinking about you. For example, itchy palms may mean you’ll come into or lose money, depending on cultural beliefs.

11. Number Repetition

Third (3rd) floor elevator button is pushed by a female finger
Source: Shutterstock

Although this is mostly confounded in spiritual beliefs, it’s still worth mentioning because numbers are all around us. Many believe in the significance of “Angel Numbers”. They’re a sequence of numbers that appear in your life regularly. For example, you may find these repeating numbers on license plates or house numbers of those you visit. Either way, many believe this number sequence holds powerful meanings and messages from spirit guides and the Universe. In addition to providing guidance, these numbers may also mean someone is thinking about you.

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  1. 10 Signs Someone Is Thinking About You. Power of Positivity. April 24, 2019.
  2. 28 Weird Signs Someone Is Thinking Of You.Bolde. Gail Stewart. November 10, 2023.