Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
Chantel Brink
Chantel Brink
June 1, 2024 ·  5 min read

Prince Archie: Inside His Life In California, Where He Learns to Cook and Look After The Garden

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, and Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, married on May 19, 2018. The couple has two children: Prince Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor, born in May 2019, and Princess Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor, born in June 2021.

Prince Archie’s Birth – Labor and Delivery

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex holding Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor at home from a YouTube video dated December 15, 2022
Image Credit: Youtube/@LMT

Harry and Meghan’s first child, Prince Archie, was born on May 6, 2019, weighing 7 lbs., 3 oz. During Meghan’s labor at the Portland Hospital, Harry shared that he used the laughing gas intended for Meghan to ease his own nerves. Additionally, the couple’s bodyguards arranged for a takeaway meal from Nando’s, and they listened to music by German artist Deva Premal, who transforms Sanskrit mantras into melodies, throughout the delivery process.

As Meghan’s contractions intensified, she opted to labor in a bathtub and received an epidural for pain relief. Harry recounted holding Meghan’s hand as she pushed. He described the birth of their son as complicated, with Archie’s head being tangled. Still, when Archie was born, Harry and Meghan were excited to become parents and thanked the public for sharing in their excitement. Harry described his son’s birth as “the most amazing experience I could ever have possibly imagined.”

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Public and Personal Reactions

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex feeds Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor at home from a YouTube video dated December 15, 2022
Image Credit: Youtube/@LMT

Harry’s friend, Nacho Figueras, a professional polo player, shared his views on Harry as a father, noting that Harry seemed extremely happy after welcoming Prince Archie. Nacho said, “I’m very happy and excited for him.” He also described Harry as someone who adores kids, recalling their interactions with children in Africa. When Archie was three weeks old, Nacho speculated that the little boy might become a polo player like his dad, grandfather, and great-grandfather.

Growing Up in the US & Family Estrangement

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, pose with Prince Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor at home from a YouTube video dated December 15, 2022
Image Credit: Youtube/@LMT

Prince Archie, who has ginger curls identical to his dad’s, is growing up with the love and care of his amazing parents. When he was three, he asked his mom to listen to his heartbeat on a wooden toy stethoscope. Meghan would play along, listening to the thumping of his chest to Archie’s giggles and satisfaction.

Now five, Archie resides in the US with his sister and parents while most of his extended family is in the UK. Due to this estrangement, none of the royals acknowledged Archie’s birthday on social media. Reports indicate this is due to a change in protocol following Queen Elizabeth II’s passing, with King Charles focusing posts on working members of the royal family. Consequently, Archie was not wished a happy birthday online because his parents are no longer working members of the royal family.

Quiet Celebrations – Relocation to the US

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, Doria Ragland, and Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex celebrate Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor's birthday at home from a YouTube video dated December 15, 2022
Image Credit: Youtube/@LMT

Despite this, Prince Archie enjoyed a quiet and intimate celebration at home with his parents, sister Lilibet, and grandmother, Doria Ragland. Royal expert Tom Quinn claims that King Charles III is desperate to have a relationship with Archie and Lilibet, lamenting his brief time with his grandson.

In response to the royal rift, Harry and Meghan decided to step back from their official duties and relocate to the US when Archie was five months old. Harry, who grew up in the UK, now calls the US home, where his family has settled down. Details of Archie’s upbringing alongside his younger sister Lilibet were shared in the Netflix documentary series “Harry & Meghan” in 2022. Viewers saw Archie chasing seagulls at the beach, picking oranges with his parents, learning to cook, and enjoying playtime with the family dogs.

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Early Education – Teaching Kindness

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex playing with Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor at home from a YouTube video dated December 15, 2022
Image Credit: Youtube/@LMT

Prince Archie attended pre-school and was expected to transition to full-time education at six. There’s speculation he may enroll in kindergarten in the upcoming autumn term. Meghan picked him up from school, ensuring he had a great day. One trip involved him eating a quesadilla and eagerly rolling down the window near a favorite hedge.

Meghan teaches Archie to be brave, polite, and kind. During a car ride, she handed her security team a new backpack to give to an unhoused man they encountered. These acts of kindness teach Archie that people are different, but all deserving of kindness.

Life Away from the Spotlight & Family Moments

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, and Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor at home from a YouTube video dated December 15, 2022
Image Credit: Youtube/@LMT

Prince Archie and Lilibet’s life away from the spotlight involves bonding with their parents, feeding chickens, celebrating birthdays, and enjoying morning routines. Archie loves leisurely strolls with his mom, playing with his water gun, and drumming on his little drum set. A short clip showed them enjoying the snow, warmly dressed.

In the kitchen, Archie dons an apron and stands on a stool to reach the countertop, joyfully preparing dough with Meghan’s niece. Outdoors, Archie assists his father in picking oranges in their family garden. Meghan captured a video showing Harry picking oranges and tossing them to Archie, who enjoyed the sunny day in August 2020.

Aspirations and Values

Prince Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor at home from a YouTube video dated December 15, 2022
Image Credit: Youtube/@LMT

Harry shared tidbits about his conversations with Archie during the 5th Invictus Games’ opening ceremony. Some days, Archie wants to be an astronaut, other days a helicopter pilot, or even Kwazii from “Octonauts.” Harry emphasized that regardless of his future career aspirations, what truly matters is his character.

Current Affairs & Moving Forward

Prince Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor playing the piano at home from a YouTube video dated December 15, 2022
Image Credit: Youtube/@LMT

Harry is currently in the UK for the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games, while his kids and wife remain in the US. There was a sense of relief at Kensington Palace when it was confirmed Meghan would not be accompanying Harry to the UK. Meghan and Harry will meet in Nigeria later for an official visit.

As they continue raising their kids and engaging in professional and leisure pursuits, Harry and Meghan maintain limited interaction with the royal family. The family lives in California, seemingly happy and at peace.

H/t Amomama

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