Leah Berenson
Leah Berenson
December 29, 2023 ·  2 min read

Here’s Why Kids with December Birthdays are Special

Pros and cons arise within every one of life’s situations. December birthdays have a reputation for being a bit of a misfortune. The holidays may draw attention away from their special day. It’s too cold to have a pool party. Additionally, kids may be out on winter break and are restricted from sharing their special day with their school friends. In contrast, an idea, visited in 2018, has been revisited as researchers are discovering new benefits for babies born in December.

December Birthdays Live to be 100

Numerous health studies have shown, there are plenty of reasons for people to appreciate their December birthdays. One benefit is that people with December birthdays seem to be more likely to live to 100. Centenarian is the word that refers to someone who is at least 100 years old. It’s an incredible feat that most people dream of. A study that was conducted in 2011, followed data from over 1,500 centenarians, over 1,000 spouses, and more than 10,000 siblings.

The findings revealed that people with December birthdays, as well as Sept-Nov., had a higher number of 100-year-old participants than those who were born in other months. We know that there are many factors that make up one’s health, including genetics, environmental elements, and nutrition. However, there are some less obvious factors that include sun-exposure, exterior temperature, and other infectious agents, commonly referred to as pathogens.

December Birthdays Avoid Dehydration

Sept-Dec. does align with cold and flu season. However, one reason scientists believe that Fall/Winter birthdays are more likely to live longer is because pregnant women are more likely to become overheated or dehydrated during these colder months. As a result, new babies are also less likely to become dehydrated after birth.

Higher Doses of Vitamin C

In line with living longer, people with December birthdays seem to be less susceptible to certain diseases. One of these is Cardiovascular Disease. While there are no guarantees as to the reason for this, scientists speculate that season variations play a role in the overall health of an individual. A couple variables include, such as allergens and Vitamin D. Moms who have Winter and Fall babies, are pregnant during the summer, in which they get higher daily doses of Vitamin D.

December birthdays are also less likely to have respiratory problems, or neurological diseases. Another concept to back these theories that December birthdays might live longer is because they’re often more active than others. This is also thought to be the result of Vitamin D intake in the womb.

Silly Claims, could be True

Horoscopes aren’t always exact or accurate so it’s hard to know which character traits really fit each sign. However, claims state, people born in December are more easy-going, easier to get along with or are better morning people.

Regardless of how you characterize the people you know with December birthdays; one thing is clear. Scientists have been working round the clock for years to establish behavior patterns and the factors that create those patterns. While many can speculate about these studies, because let’s face it, we’re all individuals. None of us fit, all or nothing, into a box. Nevertheless, it is fun to see what researchers, and scientists, discover to help us learn to better understand one another.

H/t Fatherly