Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

August 12, 2024

I pack my hubby’s lunch every day – people say I ‘treat him like a child’

Recently, a woman posted a photo on an Australian Facebook page about how she packs her husband’s lunch every day for work. The focus of the post was to show how much money is saved rather than him buying it. Instead, she received backlash so severe, the page moderator had to take control of the situation. (1)

“I Pack My Husband’s Lunch Every Day”

A woman posted a photo of a couple of examples of the lunches she packs for her husband when he goes to work. She posted the photos on the Facebook page Budget Friendly Meals Australia. (2)

The packed lunch included an assortment of cheese, crackers and deli meat as well as a sandwich and some fruit.
Image Via: Facebook/BudgetFriendlyMealsAustralia

“I pack my husband’s lunch every day,” she wrote. “[it’s] cheaper, fresher and healthier.” (1)

She expected to receive praise and people expressing that either they, too, do this, or at least that they would start trying to. To her surprise, the majority of the comments were exactly the opposite. Her post sparked a massive debate about gender roles, and the comments got so bad that the moderator had to respond and eventually turn them off. (2)

Others shared their own packed lunches with one woman admitting she even writes sweet messages for her husband.
Image Via: Facebook/BudgetFriendlyMealsAustralia

The Comments

Many of the comments came from offended women who felt as though she was setting women back. They don’t feel that it should be a wife’s job to make her husband’s lunch every day. If they want to have a healthier, cheaper lunch, why can’t they make it themselves? (1)

“Do we have to feed them during the day now too?” wrote one commenter. (1)

Other people commented that she was treating her husband like a child rather than her spouse. The debate became so heated that eventually, the page moderators had to step in. (2)

“No more comments about whether you agree or disagree with packing your significant other’s lunch for them,” they wrote. “Each to their own, nobody is forcing you to pack (this woman’s) husband’s lunch. Move on if you don’t agree with it.” (1)

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Not All Negative

Some people jumped to the woman’s defense. Several other women shared how they also packed their husbands lunches not because they had to or because their husband asked, but because they wanted to. They love their husbands, and this is one way that they show it. One person even admitted to writing little love notes to put in her husband’s lunch box each day. (1)

The Bottom Line

If you choose to make your husband’s lunch every day, it does not make you anti-feminist. If you choose not to, it doesn’t mean you aren’t a loving wife. As long as whatever you do for your spouse and what they do for you comes from a place of love, then why does it matter how anyone else chooses to do it? In the future, let’s all remember to keep the bigger picture in mind and speak to one another respectfully in all situations.

What do you think?

Keep Reading: Mother and child reunion: They had looked for each other for decades. A DNA test reconnected them.


  1. Photo of a builder’s packed lunch sparks online debate.” News. Carly Bass.
  2. Aussie wife slammed for packing her ‘tradie’ husband’s lunch each day.” Honey. Jo Abi. May 2020.