facade of a Target department store
Jade Small
Jade Small
December 24, 2023 ·  3 min read

Grieving Man Who Lost Grandson Sees a Toddler at Target, Gives Him $20

A Secret Life of Mom Highlight Story: Sometimes there are tales that are just too good, too beautiful, or too unbelievable to keep locked away. That’s why we scour the archives and bring some of them back to enjoy again. They may make you smile or shed a tear, but they’re always meant to add a little positivity to your day. Enjoy! 

As parents, most of us are always camera-ready to capture those adorable moments, you never know what may happen! Luckily for this mom, she recorded this adorable moment in Target. We love feel-good stories like these! Grab the tissues for this adorable story from 2017.

Colby and Alyssa Hacker have an adorable son named Owen, and like most little boys, he has plenty of moments that make his parents laugh. At the time, Owen was 18 months old, so full of antics! It so happened that one day in Target, Owen had quite a memorable moment with a complete stranger, and his mom caught it on camera!

Owen grabbed three dinosaurs and put them in the Target shopping cart

Alyssa and Owen were waiting for his granny at the time, and Owen could not decide which dinosaur toy he wanted, so, he took three. Suddenly, Owen started a conversation with a random older man.

Owen abruptly yelled “HI” at this older man walking past us. He turned around and said “hey sweet boy” he proceeded to play dinosaurs with Owen

Alyssa Hacker

Of course, Alyssa was a bit unsure about what was happening, you can never be too careful in today’s world. Regardless, Owen and the man in Target had a sweet moment while they played with the toys.

And then, something unexpected happened

The older man reached into his pocket and pulled out a 20 dollar bill, giving the money to the little boys mother. The words that came out of his mouth along with the kind gesture, however, were heartbreaking.

“I just lost my 2 year old grandson last week. You take this money and buy this boy all three dinosaurs” 

Alyssa Hacker

He rubbed Owen on the back and as the old man walked away to continue his shopping in the target store, Owen yelled an ecstatic “thank you.” The kind man turned back to reply “boomer sooner!” Alyssa says the moment even moved her to tears.

Read: Little boy packs bag to ‘visit his dad in Heaven,’ brings Facebook to tears: ‘The sweetest and saddest thing I’ve seen’

child in a shopping cart

The post Alyssa made on Facebook about the Target encounter has close to 800,000 likes and countless likes and shares. And of course, many people found it extremely touching.

One person commented, “That man Is the most important person, just to remind people to be reminded of the way we all want to be treated.”

Another said, “Every one of us is going through something. And kindness surely matters. Also, sweet little boy saying hello and thank you.”

At the end of the day, we meet so many people all the time, and none of us know what that person is experiencing or dealing with. Always be kind and never judge a book by its cover!

Keep Reading: Watching Your Dad Become A Grandpa Is The Gift No One Tells You About


  1. “Man gives toddler he just met $20 for toys after death of young grandson.” Fox8. September 2017.
  2. Man gives toddler he just met $20 for toys after death of young grandson.ABC11. September 2017.