95-Year-Old Grandma And Her Grandson Prove Fun Doesn’t Have An Age Limit With Hilarious Costumes (22 New Pics)
Ross Smith and his 95-year old grandma, Pauline Kana, have a unique relationship and an even more unique hobby! In short, seeing a gap in the market, together, the unlikely duo has taken the internet by storm with their funny antics, all documented with pictures and videos. Of course, the photos to follow are no different and will have you laughing in no time!
Moreover, the pair are true partners in crime, which is very obvious looking at these hilarious photos! Furthermore, the grandma and grandson duo, Ross and Pauline, love to dress up and create funny scenes for Ross’s social media accounts. So without further ado, here are some of their amazingly hilarious pictures.
What happened? It seems grandma has a new secret! Ross and Pauline love setting up scenes to take unconventional photos.Yes, those are matching Pac-man suits. Yes, we want themWhen in France, we paint!So SweetWho would not want to meet a giraffe? We love the matching outfits, too!Proudly American! Not too sure about the horse, thoughGranma clause and Ross in a box? We are pretty sure both of them are on Santa’s naughty list!True love is sitting in the snow with a giant teddy bear wearing matching red onesies with your grandmother. The cupids add the perfect final touch!So clearly, Ross and Granma found the end of the rainbow!Adorable!
I would not want to go to war against this duoHow adorable! Does anyone care for some lemonade?More pots of goldPossibly the most fabulous matching jackets we’ve ever seen. Miami, get ready!Hollywood, are you ready? Aubrey Hepburn’s got nothing on Grandma!We just can not get over how awesome these matching outfits are!
An ode to “the worst year ever.”The weirdest Easter-themed photo out thereThat goes without saying!Oh, If only Jack and Rose could see this, Hilarious!That’s a great carrot!Cinderella who? Pauline clearly has the better pumpkin carriage!
So, what do you think of this odd but awesome pair? Well, we just cannot get enough of their silly photos and videos. Would your grandma be as willing to take such funny photos with you? Let us know in the comments. Oh, lastly, Don’t forget to follow Ross on his social channels, so you do not miss out on the fun! Instagram | Facebook | YouTube