various things stored in the back of a plane seat
Jade Small
Jade Small
February 20, 2024 ·  3 min read

Who should clean up after kids on a plane? Viral tweet has the internet talking

Flying etiquette has taken on a whole new level of intensity. Everyone has their own idea for what behavior is acceptable during a flight, from allowing your children to run amuck, to demanding to switch seats with someone who paid for their isle or window seat. One father has taken to Twitter in a fury after his pregnant wife was made to pick up after her own children by none other than the flight attendant. He expected to receive support, but he got the opposite.

Appropriate Flying Etiquette was Not What He Thought

Going on a holiday with the family is not always the easiest thing to do. The whole process, from packing to getting to the airport on time, can be one of the most difficult tasks known to humankind, especially if you have young children. One man named Anthony Bass and his pregnant wife were taking a trip with their children. After his youngest daughter accidentally spilled some popcorn on the floor, they expected the flight attendants to deal with it once they landed.

Flying etiquette for children
Image credit: Pexels

No one was mad with the young girl (the mess culprit) because children are inevitably messy. However, when the flight attendant came around, they asked his wife to pick up their daughter’s mess. This did not sit so well with the husband as he expected a different kind of flying etiquette. He was enraged that his wife, at 22 weeks pregnant, had to bend down to pick up the popcorn.

He decided to complain about the flying etiquette incident on Twitter. Anthony Bass wrote: “The flight attendant @united just made my 22 week pregnant wife traveling with a 5 year old and 2 year old get on her hands and knees to pick up the popcorn mess by my youngest daughter. Are you kidding me?!?!”

Flying Etiquette Tweets

Anthony made the Tweet and expected to gain support from other Twitter users (as most people do). However, he received quite the opposite reaction. People were tweeting back, telling him that he and his wife were in the wrong for not picking up after their daughter. There was a resounding agreement in the comments section that your children are your own responsibility. And no one else’s. One person commented: ““Genuinely curious who should clean up the mess your 2 year old made? As a parent of three kids I am the one responsible for them.

Another echoed that response: “Entitled much? I have a great idea Maybe not give your child something that is going to create a massive mess? Just because they have a cleaning crew, it doesn’t mean that people should disrespect them by creating more of a mess. I’m a parent as well, it’s called ‘respect'”

Another person responded saying the husband had underestimated the power of pregnant women. “”UMMMM 22 weeks? Get over yourself. Pregnant women lift weights, run corporations, work in fields and take care of a lot of things. That small mess shouldn’t be an issue. Take like 2 mins. Unless of course we’re raising our kids to be entitled and we expect everyone to wait on us.”

Traveling with children can be messy!
Image credit: Pexels

United Response

United saw Anthony’s tweet, and they made sure to comment back. They asked him to privately message them about the flying etiquette incident, and to leave no detail out. “Hi there, Anthony. We certainly understand your concern and we’d like to look into this. When you have a moment, please DM your wife’s confirmation number along with any additional details regarding her interaction with this crew member. ^AN,” they wrote.

Jacqueline Whitmore used to be a flight attendant, and she responded saying the flight attendant acted unprofessionally. “It’s the flight attendant’s job to come around occasionally to pick up trash and other debris. Anything that falls on the floor generally stays there until the plane has landed and the clean-up crew comes on board.”

Keep Reading: Parents Are Posting Their Most Epic Fails, And It’s Hilarious


  1. Who should clean up after kids on a plane? Viral tweet has the internet talking.TODAY. Kait Hanson. April 17, 2023,
  2. Viral Tweet Sparks Debate: Who Should Clean Up After Kids on Planes?The Bump. Whindi Kappes. April 18, 2023.