Mayukh Saha

Mayukh Saha

August 7, 2024

10 Signs of a Fake Nice Person to Look Out For

Sometimes people who seem nice at first turn out to be not so genuine. It can be tricky to spot a fake nice person, but there are signs to look out for. Pay attention to how they treat others, their consistency in behavior, and whether their words match their actions. Here are 10 signs you’re dealing with a fake nice person. Knowing these can help you see through the facade and understand who you’re really dealing with.


Two people sitting on a  bench
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They always seem to crave being the center of attention, according to Psych2Go. These individuals might frequently interrupt conversations, inflate their achievements, or engage in actions solely to be noticed. Their niceness often appears as a strategy to garner praise or validation from others. You may find that they consistently redirect the focus of discussions back to themselves or perform kind acts only when there’s an audience to witness it.

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two people waking side-by-side
Image Credits: Unsplash

Their actions often revolve around themselves. Even when they do something kind for you, it feels like there’s an expectation of something in return. They might also want everyone to recognize how great they are. Their kindness tends to feel like a performance rather than a genuine act. You’ll notice they rarely show true interest in your life unless it somehow benefits them.


A woman
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They always seem to have the latest juicy gossip about others and don’t hesitate to share it with you. Yet, you observe that they are consistently nice to these same people in person. This behavior makes you wonder if they talk about you behind your back as well. Such conduct often exposes their true nature, casting doubt on their sincerity.

Insincere Compliments

Woman looking outwards
Image Credits: Unsplash

Fake nice people frequently offer compliments that feel mechanical and insincere. It seems like they’re just checking off a list rather than genuinely appreciating something about you. You can usually detect their lack of sincerity through their tone and body language. These compliments often feel empty, leaving you questioning their true motives.

Defensive or Passive-Aggressive

girl reading a book
Image Credits: Unsplash

When confronted about something that bothered you, they become defensive or exhibit passive-aggressive behavior. They might respond with statements like, “Well, if you took it that way, I guess I can’t help that,” rather than genuinely trying to understand your perspective. This defensiveness makes honest and open communication with them challenging.

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Inconsistent Behavior

boy getting a haircut
Image Credits: Unsplash

Their behavior can be unpredictable; one day they’re extremely nice and friendly, the next day they’re cold or even rude. This inconsistency can make you feel like you’re walking on eggshells, never knowing which version of them you’ll encounter. Such erratic behavior indicates that their niceness is merely a facade that drops when it’s inconvenient for them.

Lack of Genuine Interest

woman surrounded by flowers
Image Credits: Unsplash

When you share something about yourself or talk about something important to you, they seem disinterested. They might nod and smile, but it’s evident they’re not really listening or caring about what you’re saying. They often quickly shift the conversation back to themselves or to topics they find more engaging. This lack of genuine interest in a fake nice person shows that their concern is more about maintaining an image than actually caring about you.

Manipulative Behavior

couple laughing
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Beneath their friendly exterior often lies a hidden agenda. They use their charm and niceness to manipulate people into doing what they want or to advance their own interests. While this manipulation can be subtle, over time you start to see patterns in how they use their “niceness” to achieve their goals. Their manipulative behavior leaves you feeling used and deceived.

Overly Agreeable

a photographer
Image Credits: Unsplash

They tend to agree with everything you say, but it feels insincere. It’s as if they’re afraid to disagree or voice their own opinions, so they just go along with whatever you say, even when it’s clear they have different views. This overly agreeable nature makes it difficult to trust their authenticity and honesty.

Conditional Kindness

woman with a flower
Image Credits: Unsplash

Their kindness often comes with strings attached. They might do something nice for you, but later they’ll bring it up or use it to guilt-trip you into doing something for them. It feels like they’re keeping score and expecting you to repay them in some way. This conditional kindness reveals that their nice acts are more about creating obligations than genuine goodwill.

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