Mayukh Saha

Mayukh Saha

February 24, 2022

Couple Married For 62 Years Passes Away Just 90 Min Apart Holding Hands Till Their Last Breath

A Secret Life of Mom Highlight Story: Sometimes there are stories that are just too memorable, too beautiful, or too touching to keep locked away. That’s why we scour the archives and bring some of them back to experience again. They may make you smile or shed a tear, but they’re always meant to add a little something to your day.

How many people do you know who will hold on to their relationship till their last breath? To be frank, love is pretty hard to find these days. People end up breaking up and hurting themselves in a world that is pretty fast-paced. We don’t seem to have the time to be patient.

Nevertheless, we can definitely learn from the Romeo-Juliet-esque tale of this old couple. According to a news article, this couple from Texas were married for 62 years- and then they passed away within an hour each other while holding hands. Surely a touching way to pass.

The Couple Took Their Vows Seriously- Till Their Last Breath

The couple during their heydays
Image Credits: KPRC 2

In 2017, Delma and Tom Ledbetter, a couple from Texas held hands until their last breath in a hospital. This begs the question- what prompted them to stay together till the last minute? Stephanie, the granddaughter of Tom, did seem to have the answer.

In fact, she was with them at the hospital till they passed away. As reports go, she was quite keen on capturing their last moment together. While this would definitely be a heart-breaking picture- there is some beauty in tragedy too. 

As it stands, the picture of this lovely old couple who were together till their last breath soon became viral. Most people on social media who saw this picture tried comparing it with The Notebook. Now, while one can definitely find a few similarities between the book, and the couple- there are some differences as well.

The couple with their family
Image Credits: KPRC 2

The story of the Ledbetters is a real story. It is enshrined in reality- whereas the Notebook is just a book. One of the daughters of the couple was then reported mentioning that her parents had met through mutual friends.

Love Loves To Love Love- The Story Of A Couple Partnered In Death 

While they didn’t date for a long period of time, their marriage definitely stayed true. After all, it had to- considering they were by each other’s side till their last breath. The couple had been living together for around 62 years. And when Delma fell ill in 2017, Tom did too- just a few days later.

In what does seem to be an incredibly poignant event- the couple were then put together in the same room. After sharing their life with each other for six decades- they were partners in death too. The couple is currently buried at Restwood Memorial Park, Texas. 

Keep Reading: Couple wears their original wedding attire for an adorable 60th anniversary photoshoot