old bridge overgrown with moss
Jade Small
Jade Small
April 23, 2024 ·  6 min read

30 Years after Dad’s Death, 3 Children Receive a Letter Saying to Meet in Forest near an Old Bridge – a Short Story

Money is known to be the maker or breaker of most relationships. The best way to ensure your money is protected, and that it goes to the right people is to make a will and testament of your wealth. Having a will is direly important, but it can attract the wrong attention from your family and loved ones. Not all families allow money to get in the way, but it is known to happen from time to time.  How do we allow our relationships within family to get to such a point? 

One glorious day in the Florida Quays, a man named Simon McKinney who was in his late 60s  was coming home after a long hard day at work. He was a school teacher in underprivileged areas. Simon loved his work, though it was tough, the satisfaction he felt while educating the minds of young and struggling children from impoverished backgrounds was like nothing he could compare. He had no dreams of trading careers with anyone, he had found his place in the world.  Before he walked through his gate, he realized the post box still had its flag up, meaning there was some post to be collected. He was puzzled because his wife generally emptied the post box in the morning right after it was delivered. This must’ve been a delayed delivery. He opened it up and there was an envelope inside. 

Selective Focus Photography of a Mailbox

30 Years Later

The envelope had no postage stamp or anything, and the only writing on the front was his name. Thinking to himself how weird this is, he walked inside the house already trying to pry it open. Inside the envelope was a note, and behind that was another, slightly smaller envelope that looked a lot older because the paper was all worn out and faded. The note was from his late father. Simon’s heart nearly jumped out of his mouth, he had not heard from him since his father had died 30 years back!

The note read that his father had asked him to deliver this letter from him just before his death. He was asked to deliver it personally, hence why there was no address or postage stamps. According to the note, the real letter was inside the other envelope and it was from his father. His sisters got the same letter, addressed individually. Simon opened the second envelope with trembling fingers. He was very close with his father and had always admired his kind and loving attitude, with an air of mischievousness he carried himself with. Like father like son, he liked to think.

Once the letter was opened in front of him, he stopped and stared. It was like he had gone back in time seeing his father’s handwriting. He was left with nothing after his father had died. His sisters had burnt and destroyed everything after the will had declared they were left with nothing. Let alone the fortune they had expected. Seeing the scrawling style of writing that was practically illegible brought back some fond memories of playing in his dad’s office as a young kid. He would be wearing his jacket and glasses, pretending to answer calls like his father – the boss.  

The Letter Explained

Simon read the latter slowly, absorbing each word in. His father had written it just before he passed away, it was basically his last testament to his son. When he was finished reading, he put it down and sat silently, deep in thought. He had been instructed by his dad to meet near an old bridge that he and his two sisters used to play by as young children. This bridge was in a forest not too far from where they had grown up. 

Man Reading a Letter with Magnifying Glass

Simon pondered this for a minute, and later when his wife came home he explained the story. He hoped she would offer up some advice. She listened intently, nodding every now and then. When he was done explaining, she took a deep breath. She knew just how badly it affected him when his father had passed because he and his sisters had fought a lot during that time. They were angry because their father had been a rich man, but he left them nothing in his will, which left a sour taste in their mouths.  

The Next Day

Simon decided to follow the letter’s instructions. He woke up early to get there on time. As he approached the old bridge, he saw his two older sisters standing together. They had aged a lot since he last saw them. But of course, that was to be expected, it had been 30 years! Their father’s lawyer was also there, briefcase in hand. 

He told them that their father had left strict instructions to deliver his letter to each of them 30 years after his death. He was also told to give them a key to a safe that was inside the old security hut that had been bolted shut for all these years. Simon looked at his sisters. Even though they looked like they had aged a lot, they still had the same greedy expressions on their faces. 

The lawyer read out loud a note that was directed to his three children. He said that he had not left them anything because wanted them to discover the meaning of hard work and diligence. He continued to say that he was not worried about Simon because money was not his top priority, but his daughters (Simon’s sisters) would be ruined if they inherited their fortune too early.  Simon could hear his sisters muttering their age-old quirks about him being “daddy’s boy”. 

The final instructions told them to go in one at a time. His sisters smirked and said they will go first, claiming the law of ladies first. They grabbed the key and went into the hut. They spent a long time inside, and he could hear them cackling away. When they came out, with pockets bulging with all the jewelry they could get their hands on, they bid him good luck over their shoulders as they hurried to their cars. 

The Family Photo

Simon now had his cane to go into the safe. He took a deep breath before entering. His eyes had to adjust to the light, but when he could finally see, there was not much left inside. He had suspected as much, his sisters had always been selfish. There was a family photograph of all of them, including their mother who had died when they were all much younger. Simon could remember the day it was taken, they were so happy then. Satisfied with his prize, he went home thankful he had a keepsake of a happier time with his family. 

When he got home and showed his wife, he started telling her about the day it had taken, feeling nostalgic. He turned the frame towards her so she could look at it while he spoke, and he realized there was a note written on the back. The note was addressed to him and it was from his father!

A Happy Ending

According to this last note, his father had suspected his sisters would turn out so selfish. He decided to leave all of the family heirloom jewelry to them, but he wanted Simon to have his fortune. This note, written on the other side of the frame was the details to an account that contained his entire fortune. It turned out that his father was actually a millionaire! Being the amazing humanitarian that he was, Simon left the majority of the money to the underprivileged education center that he had worked with because they needed it more. He bought himself and his wife a beautiful, but quaint house in the countryside and an allowance for a comfortable retirement. 

Couple Smiling at Each Other

This story was inspired by an original piece of fiction. Any similarities between this story and actual people is purely coincidental

Keep Reading: Every Day Little Boy Runs Away from Stepfather to Mom’s Grave, He Meets Her Carbon Copy There – a Short Story