back of a yellow school bus
Jade Small
Jade Small
February 1, 2022 ·  5 min read

School Bus Driver Drops Boy in Wrong Town, He Calls Mom Saying ‘I’m in a Dark, Dirty Room’ – A Short Story

It is very easy to judge someone based on what they look like, the clothing they wear or the home they live in. But, how often have you done this and been wrong? This story, which was inspired by the readers at AmoMama, shows this exact lesson.

Work Meeting

Ben was used to his dad fetching him after school, he had never taken the bus before. Although all his friends took the bus daily, he was nervous. His father had a meeting that afternoon, so Ben had no choice. His dad assured him that all would be fine and that if he stuck with his classmates, he wouldn’t be nervous anymore. Ben’s dad went on to explain exactly how the bus worked, and that the driver would call out their suburb name, so he would know exactly where to get off.

Ben knew he had no choice, but knew his mom would walk and fetch him from the bus stop. It was only a a trip in a bus, he had nothing to fear.

The Next Morning

Ben got ready for school and his mom packed him his lunch. He sat at the kitchen table eating his cereal. He asked his mom to explain the bus again, it was all a bit confusing for a 10-year-old. She explained the route the bus would take and told him he would be just fine. When Bed was done eating, he jumped into the car with his dad feeling rather confident.

Boy Sitting at his Desk

At the end of the school day, Ben went to his teacher’s desk. She reminded him that he was to jump off at the last stop which was on Meyer Lane. Ben stayed close to his friends who took the bus and sat next to Jake on the way. He did not enjoy the ride one bit. Ben also knew that he was the last kid to be dropped off because he lived a little bit further away than the others.

The Drop Off

Eventually, all the other kids had reached their destinations. Ben felt a bit lonely sitting in the big old bus. He was just glad to know his ride was almost over. And then he heard the bus driver yell out his area name. Finally, Ben thought, as he made his way to the front exit.

Yellow School Bus Beside Gray Concrete Building

Ben jumped off and looked around, he did not recognize where he was, and it certainly did not look like the bus stop his dad had driven past to show him. He was confused. But, before he knew it, the bus had departed, leaving him standing all alone on the side of the road. Ben soon realized that he was at the wrong bus stop, he could not see his mom anywhere as he walked up and down the street. He looked at his wristwatch and saw he had been waiting for an hour.

The Mistake

Meanwhile, Bens’s mom had gone to their bus stop to pick him up and was in a flat panic when Ben was not there. She had already called the school, and they soon realized that the bus driver had dropped poor Ben in a strange area. Ben’s mom was livid and planned to take it up with the school, but first, she had to find Ben. Ben’s dad picked his mother up and they drove around, hoping to find him.

Luckily, the bus driver was given Bens’s parent’s number, so he let him know where Ben had been dropped off. He apologized profusely, as he had called out the wrong suburb name!

The Phone Call

Ben’s mom and dad continued to search and were just about ready to call the police when Ben’s dad’s phone rang. It was Ben! He told his dad that he was in a dirty small room, and then the reception cut out. Both of his parents feared the worst, that their son had been abducted.

Ben’s parents made their way to the police station, and luckily they were able to figure out where the call had come from. It was from a pay phone in a rather dodgy part of town. They made their way with the police to see if Ben was still at the phone or nearby. They called his name and eventually they heard bens voice from what seemed to be a makeshift house.

The ‘Rescue’

Ben’s parents rushed into the house, knocking the poorly assembled door off the hinges. They yelled at the man who Ben was with, threatening to have him arrested. Ben was confused because it turns out that the man was not trying to harm Ben, he wanted to help and had given Ben his last few cents to try to make the call.

Ben’s mom realized that the man was no harm, and cried in embarrassment. Not only had she completely judged him because of his home and his clothing. She asked him for his name, which was Peter. She assured him that she would reward him for keeping her son safe.

A Homeless Man Begging

Ben’s parents gave Peter some money to get food and went home. When Ben was fed and ready for bed, his mom and dad came up with a way to thank Peter for helping their son.

The Reward

The next morning, Bens’s dad made his way back to the little house that Peter lived in. He told Peter that he could offer him a job as a gardener, as his dad just retired. He would even receive training and a little cottage in Bens back yard!

For Peter, helping little Ben when he was lost, was the right thing to do. His shabby appearance was no reflection of his heart. He also had no idea what would come out of helping Ben that afternoon, but he was very glad he had!

This story was inspired by an original piece of fiction that first appeared on AmoMama. Any similarities between this story and actual people is purely coincidental.

Keep Reading: After Son’s Death, Mom Enters His Room and Cries as She Hears Child’s Voice Saying ‘Hi Mom’ — A Short Story