It’s one thing to read about the latest murders by psychos and sociopaths on the news. But, when it happens within your own family, it’s another. A 10-year-old boy from Milwaukee has been arrested and charged with murder after shooting his mother. At first, he claimed it was an accident, but after some questioning, the investigators think otherwise.

Boy killed his mother, accident or not?
A murder took place in Milwaukee recently. A 10-year-old boy, who remains unknown because of his age, shot and killed his mother. Allegedly, she had refused to buy him a virtual reality headset which made him angry. The police questioned him multiple times, and each time his story changed. At first, he told the investigators that it was an accident and that he had been twirling the gun on his fingers when is discharged accidentally. The gunshot woke his older sister, who came out of her room to find their mother, Quiana, dead.
Later, he told the police that his mother had woken him earlier than usual, which made him angry. Moreover, she had refused to let him buy a virtual reality headset from amazon. This was the tipping point for him, and he went to fetch the gun from his mother’s bedroom. He also admitted to aiming the gun at her head.
Voices in his head
The family of the 10-year-old has come forward and told the police that he has displayed troubling signs growing up. Both his sister and grandmother say he hears voices in his head telling him to do things. “He’s always said that he hears voices,” said his grandmother. “There’s two little girls inside his head telling him to do things. And he has an imaginary friend that will tell him to do really bad things.”
Additionally, he has shown violent and destructive behavior by lighting his living room furniture on fire and being abusive to animals. He held a dog by its tail and swung it in circles. Furthermore, he struggled with sleeping for most of his life. His sister said that he told her the voices and whirling thoughts start in the early hours of the morning. “He said that his thoughts and everything starts generating at 5 or 6 in the morning,” she said. “Sometimes four o’clock.”
Bullied at school
School was tough for the 10-year-old. He did not make friends easily, and his classmates bullied him a lot. His family speculated this made his mental health deteriorate. “So that just meshed with the mental illness and it just kind of spiraled and made him worse. It was bad. Sometimes he would have these episodes where he was just kind of mean to [his mother].”
The family have set up a GoFundME page for the mother who was shot. On the fundraiser page, the description reads: “She worked in behavioral health services because she wanted to ensure that all individuals had equal access to health services. She had a love for God that shined so brightly it superseded any pain she may have experienced. She was compassionate, loving, and kind. Whether you need a friend with a listening ear, advice on how to cook, or simply a few laughs, she would be just one call away. She gave so much to this world and will be sorely missed, in her honor and spirit of giving, we’re seeking help for her arrangements, so that we may prepare her final wishes.”
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- “Boy who allegedly shot mom for refusing to buy VR headset spoke of ‘little girls’ inside his head, grandma says.” Unilad. Jess Hardiman. December 3, 2022.
- “‘Absolute family tragedy’: 10-year-old Milwaukee boy charged as an adult in the fatal shooting of his mother. JS Online. Elliot Hughes and Ashley Luthern. November 30, 2022.