Jade Small

Jade Small

July 28, 2024

Bon Jovi’s 30-Year Marriage Is Proof That High-School Romances Can Turn Into Love That Lasts A Lifetime

Jon Bon Jovi has a marriage we all dream of. His wife, Dorothea Hurley, is treated like an absolute queen; this is the norm we should all have.

Nothing mattered to Jovi other than Dorothea. He did not have a care in the world. His career meant nothing compared to his beautiful wife. He knew he wanted to spend his life with her by his side.

I feel 10 times better today than when we did it back then. Looking back on it, the marriage was the greatest deal I ever made.”

Jon Bon Jovi

Bon Jovi Meets His Future Wife

Back in 1980, an 18-year-old Jovi met Hurley during History class. He recalls how they first started talking because he would try peeking over her shoulder to get the answers during a test. [1]

Eventually, Bon Jovi and Hurley began dating. The pair of high-school sweethearts managed to get past any hurdles they faced as of course, it wasn’t all smooth sailing.

9 Years after the year they met, Bon Jovi’s band had a number 1 single. This is when he asked Dorothea to elope with him.

I turned to Dorothea and said, ‘I got an idea. Why don’t we go right now?’ She said, ‘You’re out of your mind.’ I said, ‘Come on. What’s better than this, right now, this moment?’” He added, “We ran off to Las Vegas. Didn’t tell a soul. We took a little shuttle plane, jumped in a cab, and didn’t even stay the night. The cab driver was the witness.”

Not everyone was happy with the news of their sudden marriage. Bon Jovi recalls his manager being highly unimpressed; “When I came back from Vegas my manager was furious. He was like, ‘America’s boy is now married? That’s not a good career move,'”[2]

Not a Care In The World

Jon did not care, no matter how hard people tried to ruin it for him, he knew he’d made the right choice marrying his dream girl. What they had was special and stronger than anyone could imagine.

America wasn’t happy on that Monday when they found out about the wedding and a lot of people tried to ruin a beautiful thing. They tried to cheat us out of that moment.”

The moment they said “I do” was the moment that started the rest of their lives together. Their relationship blossomed as the years went by. It’s now been 30 years and they are still strong as ever. Still enough just like they were all those years ago.

Dorothea Hurley recalls; “Somehow it works. I think because we grow at the same rate. We grew equally and not in opposite directions.”[3]

His Wife Gets the Credit

Bon Jovi credits his wife for keeping it together. She is the glue that makes it all work.

She is the rock of my family, my career, my being. I’m grateful for someone in my life like that whom I can love and trust. I’m the crazy visionary with all kinds of things flying, and the seams are all splitting. She’s the one following me with the glue and the thread and needle, keeping it all together.”

Bon Jovi’s wife, who mothered his four children, is also his muse. And like any artist who is head over heels in love, he gains much inspiration from Dorothea. There is no doubt how much he loves her, just listen to his music.

Jon Bon Jovi’s wife, Dorothea Bongiovi, was honored Wednesday at the Food Bank for New York City Can Do Awards Dinner at…

Posted by Bon Jovi Stalkerblog on Friday, April 11, 2014

She’s the muse for all the syrupy ballads I write. It’s obvious. I try to relate it without being too saccharine. Yeah, it definitely comes out in the songs.“[4]

His song “I’ve got the girl” was inspired by his daughter, Stephanie Rosie. Whom he loves just as much and also draws inspiration from. Rosie joined her father on stage in 2017 at a Las Vegas concert. She danced with her proud dad on stage.

Everybody’s got a little girl in their life. Their daughter, their girlfriend, their wife, their mamma — it all goes by so fast. And they start out as little bitty babies and their future’s looking bright. And I wrote this song for that little baby, who’s now not such a little baby anymore.

Over the years gone by, Bovi has received many titles. But none as important to him as a husband to his precious wife. This is the title he holds closest to his heart.

Somehow I became the poster boy for a long-married rock star. But I’ll accept the mantle because I’m so happy.”

Keep Reading: Dad Gained Fame For His Reaction to Holding His Rainbow Baby. Watch Him Catch His Son at Birth.


  1. Things You Might Not Know About Jon Bon Jovi And Dorothea Hurley’s Relationship.Fame10.
  2. Jon Bon Jovi: Eloping with Dorothea was the answer to my prayers.” Express
  3. Still Married to His High School Sweetheart! How Jon Bon Jovi and Wife Dorothea ‘Make It Work’.” People
  4. Jon bon jovial – empathetic rocker on marriage, ‘ally’ & Iraq.NY Post