In 2018, a 5-year-old girl named Jare Ijalana went viral when a picture of her was posted by Mofe Bamuyiwa. Her online fans unofficially dubbed her the “most beautiful girl” for her “ doll-like” features. She melted the hearts of people all over the world.
Jare Ijalana Goes Viral
Jare Ijalana is from Lagos in Nigeria. In 2018, she posed for Mofe Bamuyiwa in a photoshoot that he would end up posting to both Instagram and Twitter, and forever change her life. Three photos were posted, receiving more than 50,000 likes on Instagram. Jare Ijalana now has her own social media page, as well as a family page she shares with her sisters. The family page describes the girls as “Child Models|Ambassador|Actress|Brand Influencers.” Incredibly, her sisters Jomi and Joba have also been deemed stunning young women. Both sisters have posed alongside their little sister for Bamuyiwa.
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Adorable Features
However, Jare Ijalana has features that set her apart from her siblings, leading her to win the title of “most beautiful girl.”
She has “doll-like” eyes, stunning hair, a gorgeous complexion, and precious pouty lips. “Oh yes, she’s human! She’s also an angel!” Mofe Bamuyiwa, who has more than 190,000 followers on Instagram, captioned one of the viral images. “I want to portray the interception between her childhood and adulthood so both stay timeless! I could have made her smile and make her laugh out loud but I put her in their natural moments for us to see through their eyes!”
She captioned another image of Jare Ijalana “CHILDREN ARE A GIFT FROM HEAVEN. I’m pretty excited and elated about my new style of child portraiture. Before I thought of Photographing the @the_j3_sisters,(referring to Jare and her sisters) I have had frivolous ideas of how I can make artsy portraits of kids and do away from the norm.”
Shortly after the images went viral, Bamuyiwa shared in an interview, “All I want is for everyone to see Jare’s powerful potential. I want the photo to speak to her when she has reached her adulthood.”
The family’s social media pages are managed by matriarch, Omowunmi, who shared in an interview that she does all she can to make sure her girls don’t let their fame and popularity “go to their heads” and disclosing they are a “tight knit” family.
Although Jare Ijalana won worldwide recognition for her beauty, there’s more to her than just her looks. She’s a driven young woman who aspires to be a doctor and is an avid “mental health campaigner.”
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