In 2011, 19-year-old Olga Moskalyova was taking a summer walk in eastern Siberia with her father when the pair were attacked and killed by a bear. Sadly, her mother was on the phone, forced to listen to the gruesome sounds.
A Bear Attack in 2011
Olga and her stepfather, Igor Tsyganenkov, were walking by a river in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky one evening in the summer of 2011. Suddenly, they were attacked by a bear. Olga managed to dodge the bear, while she witnessed it crush her stepfather’s skull and neck.
Narrowly Escaping
She ran another 200 feet or so, before the bear caught up to her, dragging her to the ground. Somehow, among the horrific events, Olga managed to get out her phone and call her mother, Tatiana.
Leaving a Message
Purportedly, this is the the message her mother received, according to Ladbible: “Mum, the bear is eating me! Mum, it’s such agony. Mum, help!” Although Olga’s mother thought it was a joke, she quickly realized it wasn’t and tried to call her husband. “But then I heard the real horror and pain in Olga’s voice, and the sounds of a bear growling and chewing.
“I could have died then and there from shock,” her mom recalled.
The Bears Return
While Olga’s mother tried to alert authorities, she received a second call from her daughter telling her the bear was back with its 3 babies.
“They’re… eating me,” she informed her mother.
Making a Heart wrenching Phone Call
Sadly, Olga was stuck on the ground dying for nearly an hour when she made a final call to her mother.
“Mum, it’s not hurting any more. I don’t feel the pain,” she told her mother. “Forgive me for everything, I love you so much,” she said before the line went dead.
Recovering the Bodies
Igor’s brother arrived on the scene with officials and 6 hunters, who’d been recruited to hunt the bear and hopefully recover the bodies. However, when they arrived on the scene the bears were still feasting on the bodies. A heartbroken Tatiana has this to say about her daughter: “My daughter was such fun. She was so cheerful, friendly, and warm. She had graduated from music school, and just days before the bear attack she got her driving license.”
Strange Year for Animal Attacks
Unsurprisingly, hundreds of people have been attacked by wildlife, from the days of pioneers to tourists getting too close to the wildlife at national parks. However, 2017 was a particularly bad year for wildlife attacks and Livescience has shared some of the astounding stories.
Attacked by Elk
A woman was at Lone Elk Park in Missouri on Oct. 8, 2017 when she and some friends encountered a herd of Elk. They group decided to walk along the herd and take pictures when one got spooked and attacked her. According to reports, the Bull Elk let out a warning sound before charging the woman.
Read More: Every morning, Little Boy Runs Down to the Sea to Watch This Giant Animal Emerge
A strange Death

Around the same time, a man in England was essentially suffocated by a fish. The story goes he was a local fisherman who had a tradition of kissing his first catch of the season each year. However, this year would be strangely different. When he tried kissing the Dover sole, it jumped out of his hands and became lodged in his windpipe. By the time paramedics arrived, he has gone into cardiac arrest and stopped breathing.
A Snake Attack
Earlier that same year, a woman was bitten on the nose by a boa constrictor but it gets much worse. The snake then proceeded to wrap its body around her neck. Firefighters were called to the scene and were unable to get the woman loose. Ultimately, resorting to decapitating the snake. “It was wrapped around her neck and biting her nose,” Sheffield Lake Fire Chief Tim Card said. “They had to cut its head off with a knife to get it to let go.”
Lastly, a little girl attacked by a Sea Lion
Also in 2017, the girl was visiting the wharf with her family when the sea lion grabbed her dress and pulled her into the ocean. The tragic moment was captured on video and later shared to YouTube where it garnered numerous views. It shows the crouching by the edge of the dock. Meanwhile, the sea lion swam around nearby. Fortunately, she was released moments later, with animal experts speculating that the sea lion had mistaken her dress for something edible. “I don’t think it was a sign of an animal being aggressive or trying to harm the child,” explained Andrew Trites, the director of the Marine Mammal Research Unit at the University of British Columbia.
Read More: Girl’s lemonade stand raises $1,000 for animal shelter in memory of her dog