In recent years, women in the U.S have become more empowered to speak up about their wants and needs, address mental health struggles, and are finding the balance of working with their partner as a team. Experts share the top qualities that women are looking for in a husband.
Someone Who Listens
Women want a partner who will listen to their struggles and stressors and offer support or encouragement. However, men often jump quickly from the problem to the solution, and no matter how well intended that may be, it can leave your partner feeling unheard. Instead, allow them to get their worries off their chest and reassure them that you’re there to help them problem solve if they need, or just listen if that’s more helpful. Either way, the goal is to let her know you’re there for whatever she needs.
Someone who Communicates
Taking the time to allow one another to talk about the day, thoughts about a big life decision, or the stress of a current work project will bring you closer together and create space for quality time. However, as difficult as it may be, communicating about your needs, wants, concerns, and future goals is equally important. Having these tough or in-depth conversations helps create a solid foundation and ensure you’re on the same page about your future.
Someone Who can Anticipate her Needs

Although it’s unrealistic to expect to read one another’s minds, some actions can be predictable. For instance, everyone uses a towel when they shower or bathe, and most people do so at the same time of day. Therefore, something as simple as putting out a fresh towel for your partner can go a long way. Meanwhile, helping around the house should be a given so if laundry day is the same every week, start the process before she has the chance and make the contribution or work together to get it done. These little acts, paying attention to your partner will reassure them they’re loved and supported.
Taking an Interest in Love Languages
Although there are many ways to show and receive love, some general acts are categorized into the 5 languages of love. They include things like words of affirmation and physical touch. Each person needs and desires to be loved in their own way and most women know their love language. You’ll reassure her she’s loved and secure by taking the time to explore hers.
Moral Integrity
Numerous traits including transparency, compassion, and patience are all examples of a person’s value and character. These are prime examples of qualities that women look for in a partner, according to because they offer a secure and healthy relationship.
Other Important Factors
The top things that women want in a husband likely make sense and would be appreciated if those acts were reciprocated. After all, husbands need to be reassured and feel loved too. However, the list of desirable traits in a partner is long and psychologists have explored the value of these traits and how they impact a relationship. Most people know that honesty and open communication are required for a happy and healthy relationship. However, relationships are complex and require so much more. Experts have noted several important qualities that a relationship should have, here are some examples.
Friendship Matters
Experts at Psychology Today say that a relationship must have friendship and companionship to thrive. These help create happy memories and a solid foundation. Furthermore, no one wants to be in a relationship with someone they don’t have a good time together or enjoy being around each other.
Emotional Maturity
Women want a partner who’s emotionally mature and able to have a serious conversation when it’s necessary.
Do Things Just Because

Women want a partner who does things for them without expecting anything in return. Relationships take work from both parties and each person has to contribute to ensure things operate smoothly. However, doing something for someone else with the hope of getting something in return often leads to added or unnecessary pressure, stress, and ultimately, resentment. Instead, partners should do things for one another with the intent to offer support or lighten the load.
He’s Respectful
Another trait that women desire in a husband in respect. However, this point requires little explanation because everyone hopes to be treated with respect.
Chivalry Without Misogyny
A woman should be independent and self-sufficient and it’s always appreciated when men acknowledge that women have those skills. However, women also appreciate when their husbands do some things for them like change a tire or replace a lightbulb or an electrical outlet.
Appreciation for One Another

Lastly, women want to be appreciated for all of their contributions to the household and family. However, this also requires little explanation because everyone wants and deserves to be appreciated for all that they bring to the table. As such, it’s ideal for both parties to give compliments as often as possible, and for a range of big and small things.