Chantel Brink

Chantel Brink

January 18, 2025

When a Father Won’t Pay Rent, His Son Takes the Ultimate Step and Evicts Him – a Short Story

I felt resentment, bitterness towards my father. Mad at the world, I held on to these feeling for years, almost for as long as I’ve lived. I plotted revenge against him almost daily. After all, he had abandoned me when I needed him the most. For most of it, my entire life was controlled by my emotions. My relationships, every choice I made was colored out by the product he created. I was never my true self.

It was an average day for me when I had to choose between reacting to a situation, forcing me to choose between my anger and all rational thinking. At the time, I was at the crux of my feelings, but to this day, I resent nothing. It was far from straightforward, but the path I chose brought me more than words could ever describe.

A Visitor, Unexpected, But Sent

homeless man taring angrily into camera
Image Credit: Pexels

The mundane, day-to-day living felt routine for me at this point. I woke up, prepared for what life was to throw at me again, but a sudden knock at the door disturbed my process. It was brash, loud and desperate. I made my way to the door, curious as to who needed my attention so desperately. It was my father.

I had spent a good few years completely ignoring him, avoiding his calls, messages, traumatized by our rocky past. “Hi, son. I’m sorry to come like this. I tried to call you, but you didn’t answer your phone,” were the first words to leave his lips. His voice was shaky, insecure. He was so insecure, you could see it in his body language.

Yeah, what do you want?” I muttered, almost annoyed at the audacity he had showing up on my doorstep. He could read the bitterness on my face. “I was wondering if maybe I could stay with you… I don’t have a place right now, so…” His words shook me. The confidence he must have mustered to even ask, seemingly forgetting the past trauma he had left me in.

The Anger Rose, An All-Time High Rage Built Inside Me

You can stay. But you have to pay rent,” I carefully replied, strategically knowing the most predictable outcome would be him making off. I braced for his response, arms aggressively crossed. A very unexpected answer crossed his lips. “But I don’t have any money at all… and you’re the only person who can help me,” he pleaded. This man who once hurt me was seemingly hurting too.

I snapped at him with a harsh “I don’t care,” angrily and intentionally hurtful. I was on the attack, protecting, guarding my heart. “You can live on the street. I wish God had taken you instead of Mom!” I shouted, feelings pouring out of me at an uncontrollable rate. I slammed the door in this man’s face. Feeling like I had finally won, ensuring he knew how much I had hated him for years.

My wife, Juniper peered from upstairs, confused as she’d only partially heard our interaction. She could see every weathered frown line on my face that had slowly engulfed me over the years. Shocked and even surprised by my anger, she wanted so badly to call me out, concerned that I had acted in a moment of anger instead of understanding. She came from a good home where family lifted each other up, people spoke their minds in the moment and loved unconditionally. This was something I was unfamiliar with.

Read More: Father who never stopped searching for abducted son reunited after 24 years

Juniper, Determined for Resolved Pushed Me

couple arguing from across a table
Image Credit: Pexels

Filled with livid determination, Juniper shouted at me – an unusual encounter between us. “Adam, what the hell was that?” Her voice shook in disbelief. She had seen me at my lows, but this was fear in her voice, shaken by my reaction, expecting a much more rational, mature confrontation between us.

I need to know why you’re acting this way. What happened between you two?” She pressed me hard for an explanation. She stood firmly, no intention to budge until I would cave and explain my years of hatred and feelings of abandonment to her in detail. I decided to unravel a story she was not prepared for.

I Took A Deep Breath And Prepared Myself

As I plotted the best way to explain things between us, I felt a flood of emotions pour out of me. This all started when I was 18 – 2 years after my loving mother had passed away. My father struggled that entire time to fill the void, unable to offer me the love I needed in those years. He was incapable of it. He did however try his best those years and on my 18th, I walked in on a surprise party he had arranged. It was small, but meant the world to me.

I was elated, felt special. Then he pulled me aside after the last guest had left. I stood there with paper plates and cups in my arms, heading towards the trash can. In that moment, I threw everything I had in my arms down on the table and sat down with him. I expected heartfelt words, a further surprise, anything other than the look on his face in that moment.

You’re an adult now, and if you want to stay in this house, you need to pay some kind of rent,” were the words that came out of his mouth. I was shocked. His tone was so matter-of-fact that I struggled with a reply. “Pay rent? To my own father?! What’s wrong with you?” I mustered the courage to plead with him.

I Was Angry At This Point, Feeling Like He Was Waiting For This Moment

He told me that most kids, correction, adults did exactly this when hitting 18 and that it was only rational. He played it off as being the first step in becoming a responsible adult. What I told him next was very unexpected. I stood up, told him directly that I’d rather pay rent to stay in a dorm room at my college than spend a cent on him.

He stood up and took things even further and this is when the bitterness really started to take root. He told me he was unable to continue paying my tuition fees and that I would have to see to that too. This was a hard blow. He suggested I find a part-time job or seek out a loan. My world changed that day.

“I felt betrayed, Juniper. I didn’t expect that. That’s why I left,” I broke down. I had laid my soul bare to the woman I loved. The woman who loved me all these years, never once passing judgment when I was deep in my head, miserable and at my lowest. She could hear the bitterness in my voice.

Read More: A father who lost his son in a vehicle accident has dedicated a particular spot to his memory along a lonely road

Juniper’s Once Again Wise Words

man and woman having a disagreement
Image Credit: Pexels

Her face softened as we spoke, she could see the hurt in me for what it was. I had felt betrayed that day. Unexpectedly, she revealed something to me that day. “Your father reached out to me a few days ago,” she admitted. “I gave him our address. I thought it was time you two talked.” Those words made me angrier.

“And now you’re suggesting I forgive him? After all these years?” I demanded an answer. “Adam, he’s your father,” she pleaded. Her voice gentle, but firm. This was the woman I fell in love with. So what? You don’t understand. Only my mom truly loved me. She would have never allowed him to kick me out of my own house,” I fell down to my knees as I said those words.

An unwavering gaze upon Juniper’s face, she kept going. “Adam, do you know your father’s side of the story? He lost his wife too. Have you thought about how that affected him?” Those words hung on me like a weight came crashing down on my shoulders. In the moment, my pride took over. “That’s enough! I’m done,” I shouted. I wasn’t ready to forgive or forget yet. I stormed out of the house, angry and betrayed.

A Discovery That Shocked Me To My Core

I was still wandering around almost aimlessly that cool evening, a breeze blew over me. I was in my head, deep in thought. Resentment washed over me, just as much as my confusion by our earlier encounter did. I was passing the park benches near to our home when a familiar face caught my eye. Worn out clothing, there laid the figure I grew up hating. My father, weakened by what seemed like years of personal torment was sleeping right in front of me.

Dad, wake up! Are you OK?” I knelt down, close to his aged face, eyes shut in pain. Despite the hate I held in my heart, what was in front of me was unbearable. He stirred, eventually opening his eyes, asking “Adam… Is that you?”Yes, Dad. I’m sorry…” Those words caught at the back of my throat as I let them out slowly. The weight I felt in that moment was intense.

The Truth I Was Unprepared For

He shook as he spoke. “I just wanted you to do well in life,” he began to unravel. Tears were streaming down his face. “I thought if you had to pay rent, maybe you’d move on. I wanted to help you, son. You were just sitting on the couch, not doing anything. I was scared for you.” It was in this moment that realization sunk in. A wave of emotions swept over me.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I pleaded with him. I needed answers. “I thought you’d hate me,” he cried out. Every decision he had made, every word he had thought through over and over again before telling me. “And then I lost everything. I couldn’t pay for your college because I invested the money in my business. And I planned to give the business to you, but I failed, Nick. I failed you.”

Read More: Single Father Households May Fare Better Than Single Mother Ones, and There are Interesting Reasons Why

My Heart Changed that Day

father and son in yard
Image Credit: Pexels

For the first time since that encounter years before, I saw my father for who he truly was. Everything he had done, every decision, every action – they were all done with the purest of intentions. He was doing the best he could to love me when he internally hated himself. I suddenly felt horrible. I felt like a monster.

“No, Dad,” I said softly. “If it wasn’t for you, I would have stayed on that couch and achieved nothing. You pushed me to get out of my comfort zone.” I said with tears in my eyes. “That’s what I wanted, Adam,” a feeling of relief now crossing his face. “I thought you betrayed me. But because of you, I now have a great job and a loving family. It’s all thanks to you,” I admitted, so much guilt suddenly filling me.

Can you forgive me, son?” he asked, such hesitation and fear in his eyes, afraid I might turn my back on him right there and then. “No, Dad. It’s me who should ask for your forgiveness,” I responded, pulling his frail body closer, cradling his head in my arms.

The Path Forwards Was Clear, No Doubt Left Inside Me

Finally set free by my father’s words, I felt unstoppable A new sense of home had arisen inside of me. Walking home together, I surprised him when I softly said, “You’ll be a grandfather,” smiling my proudest smile. “Wait, what? Is Julie pregnant?” he asked, his years of pain on his face turned to excitement. I confidently nodded as I faced forward, proud to my very core.

All that resentment I had held onto for so long slowly melted away over the next few days. If it’s the very one thing I can tell you as the product of my upbringing, it’s to never stop appreciating your parents. They are human to their cores and are trying their very best. They make sacrifices, decisions that can shape us for the years to come. Forgive them. It’s one of the hardest things to do, but the most freeing too.

This fictional story was inspired by stories from around the web. Any similarities between this story and actual people are purely coincidental.

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