Mayukh Saha

Mayukh Saha

September 29, 2024

The Police Gets Summoned for a Boy Offering ‘Ice Cold Beer,’ But His Innovative Sign Leaves Them Amused

The young child in question is only 11 years old. He maintained composure when his neighbors contacted the police to report his ‘Ice Cold Beer’ operation. The disturbance was not mischief, as you would expect, but was due to his entrepreneurial spirit. The problem was the witty sign he displayed while selling ‘Ice Cold Beer.’ When the police arrived, they were stunned by the ingenious idea showcased by the kid. It’s not the first time they encountered a kid with a knack for business.

Fox13 | YouTube

Children with such entrepreneurship qualities are spread out far and wide. Their ground-breaking concepts, capable of setting them apart from other kids their age, could end up in a small fortune. If they’re particularly lucky, they may even establish a legacy their family can enjoy. Seth, a young boy from Utah, devised a different plan to sell lemonade – he declared he was selling ‘Ice Cold Beer.’ As expected, this had many eyebrows raised in this considerably hot state given the competition with others of his age. This led some concerned neighbors to alert the police. On arrival, the police found out the boy was actually offering root beer. The flyer was fine-tuned so the word ‘root’ would be readable only from a close range. Hence, Seth was not inherently misleading anyone. If someone missed the fine print, he can’t entirely be blamed, can he?

The creativity in Seth’s marketing strategy left the officers from Bigham City Police Department astounded. Instead of chastising him, they applauded his ingenious sales technique. When the incident found its way onto Facebook, it predictably received wide acclaim. One Facebook user praised Seth’s potential to become a marketing pro given his skill in grabbing people’s attention. Also mentioning the police intervention unintentionally provided extra security for him, and undoubtedly helped amplify the visibility of his endeavor. Other comments praised his cleanliness, hard work, and his understanding of the public’s interests. Some even suggest with the support of the local police, he has potential to become successful with his unique sales tactics.

A few people may believe the callers should feel embarrassment over reporting the incident. The police, however, view the situation differently and in a positive light. In a statement, they mentioned, “Our citizens must never feel guilty or humiliated to contact us. They only felt it necessary to report a suspicious situation. And in this case, indeed, there was no misconduct.” The incident ended up bringing a chuckle to the day of the officers as the mischief turned out to be an innocent business strategy by a boy holding an innovative sign. They were so delighted at the youngster’s business acumen that they decided to cool down on the hot Utah day with some of his root beer.


  1. Utah Boy Selling ‘ICE COLD BEER’ Prompts Calls to Police.” Youtube. FOX 13 News Utah