a small boy picking orange flowers
Jade Small
Jade Small
April 12, 2024 ·  3 min read

Outrage after boy, 6, charged and sent to court for picking flower from lawn

Every now and then, a story so incredibly baffling pops up. This is most definitely one of them! What makes this story so ridiculous is that it’s about a boy being charged for picking a flower. And, to make it even more insane, is that he is only six years old!

How could this happen?

This happened in North Carolina. He was charged for picking a flower young age of six because the state allows children as young as six to be prosecuted in juvenile court [2]. Of course, when a little six-year-old boy gets charged for picking a flower, it makes headlines. And naturally, people were outraged. You have to ask why North Carolina would have the lowest minimum age in the world to enter the juvenile justice system.[3]

National organizations feel that 14 is a more suitable age. Also, The 2020 North Carolina Task Force for Racial Equity in Criminal Justice report suggests raising the minimum age to 12.

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Little boy charged and sent court for picking a flower

Of course, you’re wondering what exactly this little six-year-old child did and how he managed to get charged for picking a flower, read on. Turns out, he picked a tulip from a yard while waiting at the bus stop. His mother was then served with papers for his crime. Julie Boyer was the boy’s attorney, and she that the little boy had no idea what was happening. She actually just gave him a picture to color in when they went to court. The judge dismissed the case as soon as he heard about the terrible crime.

New Hanover County Chief District Court Judge Jay Corpening asked the obvious question:[1]

Should children who believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy be making these significant life choices? I think the answer is no. Passing legislation like this can be so impactful for our kids,” said Hunter. “Once that change happens, I think the impact will be tremendous.

Lyana Hunter of the New Hanover County public defender’s office told WECT News 6:

A 6-year-old … we’re talking about someone that’s in kindergarten, first grade. They don’t understand the process, they don’t understand what’s going on, they probably don’t even know their address. The earlier that you introduce a child to the criminal justice system, the higher the chances are that they will remain in the criminal justice system.”

Raising the minimum age

As mentioned before, after this little boy was charged for picking a flower, widespread outrage commenced. The National Juvenile Justice Network is also pushing to raise the national minimum age for trying children in juvenile court to 14.[1]

National Juvenile Justice network (NJJN) calls on all states to set a reasonable minimum age for prosecuting children. And, recommends that age be no lower than  14-years-old. This in accordance with the standards set forth by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and practices around the world; 14 is the most common minimum age of criminal responsibility internationally. Anyone who has spent time with a 6-year-old child knows that temper tantrums are a completely normal and expected aspect of their development. That a child would get arrested for exhibiting what every normal child at that age goes through is completely appalling and unacceptable. Sending a child under 14 to juvenile court should never be an option – ever.”

K Ricky Watson, Jr., executive director at NJJN

If you would like to help raise awareness on the matter, you can do so by clicking HERE.

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  1. 6-year-old boy sent to court in North Carolina for picking a tulip while waiting at a bus stop.” Upworthy. Sethuraman S. March 25, 2021.
  2. “Raise the floor: Advocates aim to change the minimum age for juvenile court from 6 to 10.” WECT News 6. March 18, 2021